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Kellin's POV:

I wake up to the sound of Justin screaming at the TV screen as he plays some video game. I stay in bed, though. I just stare at, Lily, and her perfection. She's so beautiful, it makes me smile. I got lucky when she said yes, to go on a date with me. I really care about Lily. I care about her more than anything in the world. She's everything I've ever wanted. To be honest, I think I'm in love with Lily. No. I don't think so, I know for a fact I'm in love with her. But, I don't wanna rush things. So, I'm taking things slow between us. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to last another second, though. I just wanna tell her already.

I just wanna be able to say, 'I love you, Lilliana.', already. 

My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of, Lily, waking up. 'God, she's so beautiful.' I think to myself.

Once she's fully awake I say, "Good morning beautiful." I smile at how adorable she looks when she wakes up.

"Good morning, Kells." She responds. 'I love when she calls me that.' "What time is it?" She asks me while rubbing her eyes.

"It's 12:30." I answer her question as I take out my phone to check the time.

"At what time is the date?" She asks. 'I'm so excited for tonight. I have it all planned out. It's gonna be amazing!'

"I think we should start heading out at 7." I answer her question. "I wanna do a couple of things tonight. I wanna make it a date that you've never had before, and hopefully, will never have with anyone else." I said giving her a sad smile. "Plus, I made a reservation for 8:30." I said smiling.

With wide eyes she said, "Wow, you really do go all out. I'm gonna enjoy this." She said with a smile at the end of her sentence.

I smiled back. "I'm gonna take a shower and get ready for the day." I say.

"I'm gonna start getting ready, too. I might take a while." She said with a smile. "What should I wear?" She asks.

"Hmm...probably some sandals. You're really gonna need those, but don't go too casual either." I said politely. I know some people might take that as rude, but it's part of the surprise.

"Okee." She said.

I kissed her forehead and got out of the bunk, so we could start getting ready.


Lily's POV:

Kellin got out of the bunk, and went straight into the bathroom to take a shower. I texted Hailey before I did anything else, sense today I'm not gonna be able to text her much.

Me: Hey, Hails! <3 I'm not gonna be at the bus most of today cause Kellin asked me out yesterday, and we're gonna go out on a date today. So, plzz don't be mad at me if I don't text you much today. I'm gonna be getting ready and at 7 we're gonna go out. I don't even know where we're going. I told him to surprise me! xD I love you lots! <3 Tell Jace I said hey and that I miss and love him lots.( I lost his #) xD Ttyl Hails! <3

I jump out of the bunk, and go into the 'living room' to get my stuff. I get my makeup bag, jewelry box, curling iron, toiletries, and clothes. I pick out the jewelry I'm gonna use and set it down on Kellin's bunk next to my clothes and makeup bag. My curling iron is on the 'living room' table. I'm basically stalling, waiting for Kellin to get out of the bathroom, so I can get ready in there. So, I go to the 'kitchen' and make 'breakfast' for everyone, sense it's 1:10 but nobody's had breakfast yet. I make eggs and bacon, and I'm done by 1:40. I eat my eggs and bacon and by that time Kellin's ready. So, I go into the bathroom with my toiletries, and immediately take a shower. I only take 10 minutes to take a shower, so I'm out by 1:50. I brush my teeth and put on some deodorant. I put on my bra and underwear, wrap a towel around my hair, wrap a towel around my body, and get out. I take my clothes and jewelry to the back lounge, and lock the door. I get dressed, then walk out to the 'living room'. I put my pajamas and toiletries bag in my carry on, and check my phone for any messages. 

'Wow, it's already 2:30.' I think to myself. 

It turns out I do have a message. It's from Hailey! 

Hailey<3: It's ok love, I totally understand. I'm so happy for you! Plus thank you for texting me before, cause I would've been pretty sad not hearing from you at all today. I would've gone crazy! xD Love you doll! Jace and I miss you lots. Can't wait to see ya !! Don't worry it won't be that long. Take care, and tell me how the date goes. <3

I text her back immediately.

Me: I'll tell you every single detail ! I promise, most likely cause I'll be thinking about it all night. xD Love ya !!<3

When I'm done texting Hailey, I take my curling iron from the table, and go back into the bathroom. I put on some music, and start doing my hair. It takes me 15 minutes to do my hair, so I'm done by 2:49. I unplug my curling iron and take it back to my carry on. I set it on top of my carry on sense it's still hot. I grab my makeup bag from Kellin's bunk, go back to the bathroom, yet again, and start on my makeup. This is gonna take a while. I put on some music to get in the mood and do my thing. 

It took forever to do my makeup. It's currently 5:01! It took me 3 hours to do my makeup. I hope I look decent, cause this took quite a while. I go to the 'living room' and put my makeup bag on top of my carry on.(outfit)

Kellin has been in the lounge room the whole time. He wants to be surprised when he sees me. I open the lounge room door and he looks up from his phone. His eyes go wide and his jaw drops.

"Hey, Lills." He finally says getting up and smiling at me. 

"Hey, Kells." I say smiling. "Do I look ok?" I ask while smiling.

"You look, beautiful." He says as he pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek, slowly and gently.

I smile as he does that. It sends shocks through my body. "Thank you, Kells." I say. "You look quite handsome yourself." I complement him.(outfit)

He chuckles. "Why thank you my lady." He says in a british accent. 

We both laugh at this hysterically. When we're done laughing, our eyes lock. "Well, shall we pretty lady?" Kellin asks.

"Let's go. I can't wait any longer for my surprise." I say excitedly with a smile at the end of my sentence.

We exit the bus, and get into the car that the guys rented. Kellin starts driving, and I put on the radio. "Circles" by Pierce the Veil starts playing, and Kellin and I, immediately start singing the lyrics to the song. 

'Hmm...I wonder where we're going?' I think to myself.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now