Do It Now, Remember It Later

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Lily's POV:

"Well that was one hella fun of a ride!" I exclaim as Kellin and I get out of the car. 

"Hell yea!" He exclaims with a wide smile at the end.

Kellin opens up the trunk, and takes out my carry on and my bag of makeup next to it.

I go to take it, but he shakes his head and says, "I got it." He smiles at the end of his sentence.

"Okee." I say returning the smile.

We finally get to the bus. Kellin opens the door, like the gentleman he is, and before I go in I realize something. This is my future for the next 2 months, and a half. This is gonna be one hell of a ride, literally. I chuckle before I go in. As I enter the bus, like usual, Justin and Jack are playing a video game. This time, Gabe, is eating a donut and drinking a monster, and I'm guessing, Nick's, in the shower, cause I hear the shower running and he's not around. Kellin sets my stuff down next to the bus door.

"Hi, Lily." Gabe says with a smile.

I wave back and smile. 

"Sup." Justin says still keeping his eyes on the TV.

"Hey guys." I say sitting on the couch, Kellin sitting next to me.

"Hey, Lills." Jack says looking at me, with a smile, as I sit next to him.

"Where are Hailey and Jace?" Justin asks as he pauses the game and looks over at me.

"They couldn't make it, they have to take care of some personal stuff." I say as subtle as possible, trying not to cry.

"Damn it! Jace was my buddy." Gabe exclaims with a frown at the end.

His comment earns laughs from Justin, Jack, Kellin, and I. Soon after, Justin and Jack, go back to their game, Gabe escapes into the bunk area, Nick gets out of the shower and goes to sleep, and Kellin and I go to the back lounge and watch some funny videos.

I check my phone for the time, and it's 6:39. 'Have we really been watching videos for the past 2 hours?' I think to myself.

As soon as the video we were watching ends, Kellin asks me a question. "Do you wanna go walking, I can show you around the venue, you know, so like you don't get lost?" He asked nervously. 

"Sure. I love taking walks, they're relaxing." I respond back while smiling.

"Okee, just let me grab my jacket." He said while walking back to his bunk, and getting his jean jacket. 

"Hey, umm, Kellin." I said trying to get his attention.

"Yea, love." He said as he looked back at me.

I got butterflies in my stomach when he said that. "Do you mind if I change real quick?" I asked, realizing I was still in the same clothes from last night.

"Not at all, go ahead. I'll be in the lounge room. When you're done come get me." He said with a smile.

I returned the smile. "Okee, I'll be quick." I said walking to the 'living room' to get my makeup bag and some clothes from my carry on. Once I got everything I needed, I went into the bathroom and did my thing. I changed, put on some deodorant,  took my makeup off, and pulled up my hair into a ponytail.(outfit)

When I was done, I put the clothes from yesterday in my carry on, and my makeup bag where it belongs. I grabbed a monster from the fridge and headed back to the lounge room, where I found a sleepy Kellin. I took a quick picture of him as I giggled, and woke him up afterwards. 

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