This Should Feel Something Like Fire

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Lily's POV:

It's almost time for the guys to take the stage. I'm really excited to play with them, but I'm also really nervous. The guys, Copeland, and I are currently walking to the stage. I'm holding Copeland in my left arm, and Kellin is holding my right hand in his left hand, as we walk. Kellin squeezes my hand every once in a while to assure me, I'll be alright. We reach the backstage area, and Ron, gives the guys their 4 minute warning. The guys get their instruments and start tuning them. I hand Copeland, over to Lindsay, Justin Vanhook's wife. Kellin and I start warming up our voices. Once we're done warming up, Ron gives the guys their 2 minute warning. 

"You ok?" Kellin asks me.

"A bit nervous, but I'll be ok once I get up there. It's like I become a whole different person when I get up on stages." I say chuckling.

Kellin chuckles. "Good." He says smiling.

I get on my tiptoes, and give him a good luck kiss, before they get on stage. Kellin smiles as he pulls away, then runs to the stage along with the guys. 

Before I can go to the side stage, I hear somebody call out for me. 

"Lily!" Lindsay exclaims as I turn around to face her. 

She signals to go over to her, and I start walking in her direction.

Once I get there, Lindsay sighs. "Copeland won't stop crying. She wants to be with you." Lindsay says as she hands me, a now cheery, Copeland.

I smile at Lindsay once Cope is in my arms. Lindsay returns the smile, and walks over to Justin, who's behind the amps, messing around with the tracks.

Once Copeland wipes the tears from her face, she looks up at me with a wide smile. "Mommy!" Cope exclaims as I grin down at her.

"What's wrong with my baby?" I ask Cope with a frown.

"I miss you, mommy." She says hugging me tighter.

"Welp, I'm here now." I say as I hug her back, and smile at how great I feel. 

I've never felt this way before. Copeland brings me complete happiness, love, and hope. Around her and Kellin, I feel loved and at home. I feel like I found my actual family.

"Do you wanna go see daddy play?" I ask Cope, with a smile, as she pulls away from the hug.

"Yesss!" Copeland exclaims happily. 

Once Cope and I get to the side stage, the guys finish up their first song, "We Like It Loud". 

Set List:

We Like It loud

Tally It Up, Settle The Score

Do It Now, Remember It Later

Better Off Dead

If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn 

Kick Me

If You Can't Hang

When Kellin notices, Copeland and I, he smiles at us. Copeland giggles and smiles back, as well as me. 

"Alright! So, did you guys enjoy that song?" Kellin yells into his mic.

The crowd cheers. 

"How many of you are excited for our new album?" Kellin asks.

The crowd cheers, once again.

"That's great, cause if you guys liked our previous albums you're gonna enjoy this new album!" The crowd cheers as Kellin says that. "It has a bit of everything." Kellin says. "Alright, well enough of my rambling. Let's play another song!" Kellin yells into the mic, and the crowd goes wild. "This next song's called, 'Tally It Up, Settle The Score'." The crowd goes wild, and the guys start playing the song.

Copeland starts dancing around in my arms once the song gets to the chorus. I giggle, but start dancing along with her. Kellin sees us jamming out to the song and having fun, and he giggles as he sings. The song goes by like that, just Copeland and I messing around. It's kind of like stage prep for me. 

The guys play their next two songs, giving a speech before, "Better Off Dead". 

"So, how's everyone doing so far?" Kellin asks the crowd, and they cheer. "Well, we have three songs left to play for you guys." He says pausing. "This next song, is the first song I wrote for this band. But, it's also a very special song to me, because this is the song that brought me and a very special lady together." Kellin pauses, and the crowd cheers. "This very special lady, is my girlfriend, Lily, and she's actually going to sing the song with us." Kellin says as he looks over at me, and smirks. 

Justin hands me a microphone, and I give Copeland a kiss on the cheek, before handing her over to Justin. Copeland smiles at me, and I start walking towards the stage. Once I get to Kellin the crowd cheers. Kellin wraps his left arm around my shoulders, and kisses my cheek. I smile, as he does so. The crowd, of course, goes wild. We get cheers and boos. 

"Hi, guys." I say into the mic, and they go crazy!

"I would like to dedicate this song not only to, Lily, but my little daughter, Copeland, who is on tour with us. You guys mean the world to me, and I love both of you very much." Kellin says into his mic, as he looks at me.

I smile and say, "Love you, too."

The crowd is going fucking ballistic at this point. 

Kellin smiles at me, lets go of me, and starts singing the little intro he sings before the song starts. The guys start playing the song, and I start singing along with Kellin. After that, Kellin and I, take turns singing the song. 

Once the song is over, the crowd cheers louder than ever. Kellin runs over to me, and kisses me deeply and passionately. The crowd is going nuts. As we pull away, we both smile wider than ever. 

"Thanks for having me guys! See ya!" I say before running off the stage.

I'm a bit sweaty, but not too badly, which is good. I go backstage and get a water bottle. I am thirsty as fuck, though. As I'm walking around, I see Copeland in Lindsay's arms. 

"Mommy!" Copeland yells as I get closer to her. 

Lindsay hands her over to me, and I smile as wide as I did, when I was on stage. "Come here, baby." I say as I hug her tight.

"Mommy, you were amazing!" Copeland says as she pulls away from the hug. 

"Thank you, Cope." I say, still smiling. "Let's go watch, daddy!" I suggest.

She smiles wide, and says, "Yea!" 

I chuckle, and we head towards the side stage, to watch the rest of the set.

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