Postcards and Polaroids

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(Sunday Morning)

Lily's POV:

I wake up, still cuddled up with Kellin. I smile at how adorable he looks when he's sleeping. It's like he's mad, but in peace at the same time. I chuckle at the thought of that. As soon as he hears me chuckle, he starts making noises and wakes up.

"Oh, hi Lily." He says with a smile.

"Good morning." I say returning the smile.

"How long have you been up?" He asks.

"I just woke up, actually." I answer his question.

"Good." He says with a sigh of relief. "I didn't wanna keep you waiting." 

'He's so adorable.' I think to myself, while smiling. I chuckle, then say, "It's ok."

"What time is it?" He asks.

I pull out my phone and answer his question. "It's 9:56."

"There's no way anybody's up right now." He says with wide eyes.

I chuckle. "Well, I'm an early bird, so I guess I could cook breakfast for everyone." I offer, knowing I won't be able to go back to sleep.

"Well, you're not doing it alone." He says, with a smirk at the end.

I chuckle, but then say, "Well, if I'm cooking for 8 people, I guess I could use some help. Plus, I'm not very good at cooking." I say giggling.

He chuckles, then says, "Yayyy! I get to help!" He makes sure to whisper so no one wakes up.

I laugh at his goofiness. "Ok, well shall we?" I ask, still giggling.

"Yashhhh!" He whisper yells.

I giggle as he jumps off the bunk. When he's on the floor, he turns around to look towards the bunk, and I whisper yell with a giggle, "Catch me, Kells!" I jump off the bunk.

Kellin catches me, and I wrap my legs around his waist. We stay hugging in that position for about a minute. Still in the same hugging position, he starts walking towards the 'kitchen'. He sets me on the counter, then presses his hands against the sides of the counter and asks, "So, how do pancakes sound?" He smiles at the end.

I return the smile, then whisper yell, "I love pancakes!" I giggle at the end, zipping up the jacket he let me borrow yesterday, since I didn't have pajamas.

He giggles back, then says, "Well, I guess pancakes it is!"

At around 11:44, we made about 16 pancakes, two for each person, and by that time everybody was awake and eating.

"Damn, these pancakes are fucking amazing!" Jack yells with a stuffed mouth.

Jack's comment earns, 'For real's' and 'I know right's'.

Kellin and I laugh, then look at each other. We're sitting offly close to each other. 

Hailey comes and sits on my left side, "So, you never told me that story from last night." She says with a warm smile.

"I swore I sent you a message explaining it." I say as my nose ruffles up, and Hailey and I, take out our phones to check if I did send her the message.

"Oh ok, there it is." She says with a chuckle, and walks back to Jace, sitting on his lap.

Soon after she sends me a message. 

Hailey<3: Did that bastard hurt you?!

Me: No, Kellin was there to my rescue before he could try anything. :)

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