Captain Tyin Knots vs Mr Walkway (No Way)

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Lily's POV:

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I fully open my eyes and notice that Kellin's not in the bunk. I sit up, open the curtain, and shift my legs so they're hanging off the bed. I rub my eyes and jump off. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth, before I do anything else. I get out, and see, Jack, is making bacon. Nick and Gabe, are sitting at the little table in between the bus door and couch, eating bacon. 

Once, Jack notices me, he says, "Oh, hey Lily. Ya scared me." He says with a chuckle. "Want some bacon?" He asks me.

I chuckle, then say, "Yess, please." I smile at the end of my sentence.

Jack hands me a plate with bacon in it. "Thank you." I say, politely.

He smiles and nods.

Before I can turn around, someone hugs me from behind and lays their chin on my shoulder. "Guess who?" They say in a baby voice.

I already know who it is. Kellin, obviously. "Hmm...I don't know." I say in a playing manner, then smile. 

"Ehh!" He exclaims. "Not a name." 

I chuckle, then kiss him on the cheek. "Hey babe." I say with a smile. 

Kellin raises his chin from my shoulder, and I turn around to face him. I get on my tiptoes and peck his lips. 

He chuckles. "Shorty." He says with a smirk.

"Shut up." I say blushing and chuckling. 

He walks to the couch and I follow behind him. He sits down and pats his lap for me to sit on. I sit on his lap and start eating my bacon. Kellin opens his mouth wide and looks up at the ceiling, signalling for me to give him some bacon, in a playful manner. I chuckle at his silliness and give him some. 

Once, I'm done chewing on a piece of bacon, I say, "Damn Jack! You make some of the best fucking bacon ever!" I exclaim. 

He laughs. "And, you, my lady, make some of the best fucking pancakes ever." He says with a playful smile.

I laugh and look at Kellin, who's looking at Jack with an eyebrow raised, for recognition.

"You too, Kellin." He says with a chuckle, and goes back to making bacon.

Kellin and I laugh. 

'Where's Justin?' I think to myself.

After I think about that, Justin appears from the bunk area. He looks over at Kellin and I, and as soon as he notices I'm sitting on Kellin's lap, his eyes go wide, he closes the curtain leading into the bunk area, and he storms back to his bunk.

'What the fuck was that about?' I question.

Kellin and I look at each other with the same, what-the-fuck-just-happened, look.

"Hey, babe. I'm gonna go check what's up with Justin." I say with a worried look on my face. 

Kellin nods and gives me a sad smile. I peck his lips before I get off his lap. I put my plate in the sink, and disappear into the bunk area. 

"Justin?" I ask looking for him. I have no idea which bunk is his. So, my mind just sets on the bunk that has a closed curtain. The middle bunk in the very back has a closed curtain, so I decide to open it. Justin's sitting in the center, hugging his legs, his forehead is on his knees, and he's rocking back and forth. 

"Justin?" I ask once again. "Are you ok?" I ask him, sitting beside him on his bunk. 

"N-no." He says in between sniffles as his voice cracks. 

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