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Lily's POV:

I step out of the bathroom and see Kellin leaning against the wall. He looks up at me and smiles. I don't smile back, though. Kellin's smile turns into a frown. Kellin starts walking towards me.

"What's wrong, baby?" Kellin asks me.

"I'm pregnant!!" I exclaim as I look up at Kellin, and grin widely.

"Oh my God. You scared me!" Kellin says.

I giggle, and show him one of the pregnancy tests for proof. I threw the other two away. Kellin smiles once again, cups my cheeks, and passionately kisses me. I smile into the kiss, which makes him smile. Our foreheads touch, and I grab his wrists.

"Come on. Let's get this over with." Kellin says as he pulls his head away from mine.

I nod, and say, "Ok."

Kellin and I walk back to the room, and see the nurse on the computer, probably typing in information.

"So?" The nurse asks with hopeful eyes, as Kellin and I sit down.

I grin and show her the test. "Oh my goodness, congratulations!" The nurse says.

Kellin and I smile at her. "Ok, so did all the tests give you a positive?" Asks the nurse.

"Yes, actually." I respond.

"Ok, good. So you're 100% pregnant, which is amazing. I'm so happy for y'all. Now, do you know how many months pregnant you are?" The nurse asks.

"Hmm...I'm guessing about..3 months." I say, with a lot of thought.

"Ok, well at about 5 or 6 months you can find out the gender. Would you like to have an ultrasound soon?" The nurse asks, yet another question.

"Of course. How soon do you think I'll be able to get it?" I ask the nurse.

" about a week. Is Thursday next week, good for y'all?" The nurse questions.

I look at Kellin, and we nod at the nurse. "Awesome! Well, you guys can get going home, now. I'll schedule the appointment, and I'll see you guys on Thursday." The nurse says.

"Okee. See ya!" I say as Kellin and I get up from our chairs, and start walking out.

"Bye." The nurse says, with a smile.


(Time Skip to a Couple of Hours Later)

Hailey and I are at Wendy's, just eating and chatting. I brought her here to tell her about the baby, but I don't know how to tell her. I mean, I know she's my best friend and she's gonna support me, but I'm just a really anxious person when it comes to stuff like this. I am gonna tell her soon, though. There's no way I'm not gonna tell her!

"So yea, Elena basically hates me now." I hear Hailey say as I zone back into reality.

"I'm sorry, what? I spaced. Sorry." I say.

"Its fine. It doesn't matter. But anyway, let's talk about you. You've been very quiet today, and spacing out a lot. So tell me, what's on your mind?" Hailey asks.

'This is the perfect time to tell her.' I think to myself before spilling everything to my best friend.

"Ok well, I've been spacing out and quiet today because I found out some news at the hospital today." I say smiling.

"Good or bad?" Hailey asks dramatically.

I laugh, and decide to answer her question. "Well I don't know, you tell me. I'm pregnant!" I whisper yell, so I don't disrupt anyone else.

"Oh my God! Really?! That's amazing, Lills! I'm so happy for you and Kellin." Hailey says excitedly.

I grin. "Thanks, Hails. I'm getting an ultrasound next week on Thursday. I want you, Jace, and Kellin to come." I tell Hailey.

"I would be honored." Hailey says.

"Also, I'm finding out the gender when I'm 5 or 6 months. I want you to be there, and then we'll surprise the boys and Cope when we get back." I tell Hailey, once more.

"That would be awesome." Hailey says with a smile. "Kellin knows, right?" Hailey asks.

"Yep. He was so stoked when he found out." I say smiling, and even blushing a bit.

"That's awesome. Does anybody else know yet?" Hailey asks me.

"Nope. Just you and Kellin. I'm planning on telling all the guys and Cope when we get home." I explain.

"Oh, okee." Hailey says.

"Speaking of home, we should probably get going." I say.

"Yea." Hailey says in return.

We get up from our booth, and throw our trash away. We walk to Hailey's car, and get in. Hailey starts driving back home, soon after.

'This has been a great day so far.' I think to myself as we drive off, and I smile widely.

Your Nickel Ain't Worth My Dime (Kellin Quinn Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now