Addictive Like Heroine

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Lily's POV:

Kellin got out of the shower a couple minutes afterwards. He looks amazing with his new hair! I smile at him, he returns the smile, then I go into the bathroom with all of my stuff, this time. I get undressed, and take a pretty long shower today, actually. I think I was in the shower for like 20 minutes. As soon as I get out, I wrap my towel around me, and brush my teeth. Once I'm done drying myself, I put some deodorant on, and my underwear/bra on.

I start getting dressed afterwards. I put on my socks and shoes, I put my jewelry and other accessories on, then I start on my nails. My nails take like 10 minutes to do and dry, I then start on my makeup. My makeup's really simple today, so it only takes like 15 minutes. Once I'm done with my makeup, I start curling my hair. My hair looks beautiful curled, with all the colors it now has! I finish curling my hair in 10 minutes, then I'm done by 1:38.

'Later than I thought I would've finished, but not bad.' I think to myself as I shrug.(outfit)

I walk out of the bathroom, and everybody's awake, but the guys are all outside messing around with Pierce the Veil. I put my stuff away and once Copeland notices me, she runs up to me.

"Mommy!" She exclaims as she approaches me.

I grab her and hug her tight. "Hi, baby." I say with a smile.

Cope returns the smile. 

"Babe, I never knew you wore glasses." Kellin says with a weird look.

I chuckle. "Yea I wear glasses, but I never really use them. I mostly use my contacts, but today I decided to wear my glasses." I explain, as I sit next to Kellin, on the leather couch, Copeland on my lap.

"Ohhh." Kellin says in realization, which makes Copeland and I giggle. "What are you laughing about, missy?" Kellin asks Cope, as he takes her from my lap and starts tickling her. 

Copeland laughs, and says, "Stop, stop!", in between breaths. 

I giggle as I watch them having fun. Kellin stops tickling Copeland soon after. 

"You missy, have to start getting ready." Kellin says with a wide smile.

"Why? Where are we going?" Copeland asks, looking at Kellin and I.

I decide to answer her question. "Well, after daddy's set, we're going to the park." I say with a smile.

Copeland returns the smile, with a wide smile and a glow in her eyes. "Yayyy!" She exclaims. "I love the park!" She says joyfully.

I giggle. "Great!" I say with a smile.

Kellin soon starts speaking. "Yea, cause Katelynne never took you, did she?" Kellin asks Cope with hurt in his voice.

"Yea, she only took, Liam and Rowan." Cope says with a frown.

"Why?" I ask, my smile turning into a frown. 

'Kellin was right! She's a bitch!'  I think to myself growing frustrated, almost angry at Katelynne.

"Because, she's a bitch." Kellin answers with an eyeroll. 

"She told me she hated me. She said she only loved Liam and Rowan because they're from another dad." Copeland says as a tear rolls down her cheek. 

I grab Copeland from Kellin's lap, and hug her tight. "It's ok, baby. You'll be just fine here. I love you, Cope, and I would never hurt you." I say almost feeling guilty. 

Cope hugs me tighter. "I love you, too, mommy, and I know you wouldn't." She says in a delicate childlike voice. 

I smile as we sit there and hug.

Copeland pulls away, and smiles at Kellin. "I love you too, daddy." She says with a giggle. 

Kellin chuckles. "I love you more, Cope." Kellin says with a glow in his eyes. "Now, go look for your clothes." Kellin says with a smile.

"Okee, but I might need some help." Cope says. 

"I'll be there in a bit to help." I say as she walks into the bunk area, to get her carry on. 

"Ok." She says as she reaches her bunk. 

Kellin looks frustrated, so I ask him what's wrong. "What's wrong, babe?" I ask him as I put my chin to his shoulder, and look at him. 

Kellin looks at me and raises an eyebrow, then smiles. "I love you, Lily." He says as he pulls me onto his lap. "You make me really happy." He says before he kisses my cheek. 

I smile, and chuckle. "I love you, too." I say with a giggle. "But, that's not what I asked you." I say with a smirk, while raising an eyebrow. 

Kellin chuckles. "I know, but I just had to tell you because you're so adorable." Kellin says smiling. "But, it's just, Katelynne, makes me so mad. The only reason she was with me and we got married, and had Copeland, was because she wanted publicity, for her clothing line. I love Copeland so much, but Katelynne hates her because she had Cope with me. I don't think she's even gonna call after the tour for Copeland." Kellin says with a sad look, and looks down.

I put my index finger to his chin, and raise his head. We lock eyes. "Well, don't you think it's better that way?" I ask him. "Cope seems happier with us, and she can be with a fa-" My insecurities get the best of me, and I stop what I was saying. 

"A family that loves her." Kellin finishes my sentence. "Babe, don't be scared. You guys are my home, and my first real family." Kellin says with a smile. 

I return the smile, and blush slightly. 

"I do think it's better this way, but it just disappoints me how bad of a mother she is. But anyways, I'm happy with you guys, and I'm glad you guys are happy like this. Things are way better this way." Kellin says with a smile. 

I return the smile and agree. "Yea, you guys are my real family, and I love you both very much. Without you guys, I don't know where all the happiness and love I feel now would be." I say.

Kellin pecks my lips slowly, and gently. "I love you, baby." He says after he pulls away. 

I smile. "I love you, too." I say smiling.

"Welp, shall we go help the young princess find clothing?" Kellin asks in a royal voice. 

I giggle. "We shall." I say giggling.

I get off Kellin's lap, and stand up. Kellin stands up afterwards, we lock arms, then we start walking towards Cope's bunk.

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