Chapter 19: Arnold

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I sat there looking at my hands. I became dizzy. My hands were shaking and I couldn't get up. I can't believe I did that.... To my last standing family. 

I chuckled a bit as I fell back onto the cold floor. My mind wasn't completely grasping the fact that I just murdered someone. Even if it was fake

"Congratulations." A guy came in.

Again. Let's feel that sweet rush again. I lunged and the man in front dodged. I latched onto a guard.

I brought the man to the floor and beat his face in. While laughing mind you. It was just so funny when people seemed to be in pain.

I didn't care if people hated me. They didn't have the balls to take me down. People started to come inside to pull me off. I resisted knowing I might get in trouble.

Now here's where the story truly begins. I was tied to a plastic chair by the same man with the knife from the simulation. He wiped his face and glared

I cried a little to no tears hoping he doesn't kill me.


I didn't answer. I knew better. "Marcus."

"Piss. off." The words slipped out of my mouth. I felt more coming up."You think I'm scared of you. Give me that knife and I'll show you what you should be scared of."

"You threatening me?"

"No.... I'm shining your god damn shoes."

"You aren't worth my time." Someone was wheeled in and caused me to get a little worried. The man glared at me and put up a middle finger towards me. Like I did something....... This is not ok....

"Want to know what he's done?"

"I don't care. Kill him." I said coldly. "The idiot looked at me funny."

"Marcus no. If he bothers you what do you do?"

"I don't know..... Hurt him?"


Seven years old, I learned 67 new torture methods. I enjoyed every single one. Every. Single. One. I was a demented kid. The screams just made me excited. It really did. But I felt remorse. My face told all, I was smacked every time I looked apologetic.

"You should-"

"You want me to smack you again?" The man yelled.

"-let me do it."

He didn't trust me but he was told to let me have a go by the superiors. The prisoner started talking about his family and sparing him. I looked at him in disgust.

The man (his name was Arnold) who unstrapped me he showed me the methods. He made me do them on my own.

Arnold got the information Hydra wanted. I got the adrenaline and the fun I wanted. All there was left was to kill him.

"Please. My wife is wondering where I am. I have two daughters please."

He mentioned his family a lot.... I didn't understand.... was I supposed to care?

My face stayed blank as the final words he heard popped out of my mouth. "Hail Hydra."

The man lowered his head and sobbed. "Hail Hydra."

Then I murdered him. I murdered one of our own. Felt even better now that I knew. I was a sadistic twisted kid. I loved it. I absolutely fucking loved it.


"Brook let's go we have to get out before anyone recognizes me." I laughed.

Brooklyn and I were on a mission to retrieve the Tesseract (AGAIN) from Hydra. Or maybe it was the soul stone.... No that's in Vision..... Or was that the mind stone? Whatever. We are stealing an infinity stone or something similar in power to the infinity stone. Brook never tells me the details.

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