Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home

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Viviana slowly began to climb up the ranks labeled as l dangerous. We always had those few hours together where we would just talk. Talk about how shitty Hydra was. How to improve on each other. I even told her about Alex. Which doesn't happen a lot. We got a lot more close than Hydra wanted us to be.

I protected her from the agents who seek pleasure in hitting new minors. I even got into a fight with some other kid cause he was being a little bit too pushy. Let's just say I ended up killing the boy. That's when I was isolated a lot more. No more outside with the kids my age. No more Vivi.

I didn't realize I was empty. I didn't realize that this girl was the highlight of my day. I wanted to spend every waking moment with her. The thought of her out of my life made me puke. Literally.

Then one day I was walking down the hall with Arnold in front of me. We were headed to the testing lab to see if they can make gadgets out of my DNA. I was pulled into a tiny corner. I closed my eyes and dared not to scream. Small hands were holding my neck and I froze in place. I opened my eyes and Vivi's bright brown eyes were staring at me with tenderness.

"I thought you were killed. You weren't outside."

"I'm not allowed outside after I killed that kid."

"He deserved it." She put her hand on my face.

I smiled. "I know. But the Commander doesn't think so." I laughed. She pulled me into a kiss. My body was suddenly filled with new and old emotions I never had or that I lost. I was finally whole again. This lasted a full 5 minutes before we let go. We were kind of both shocked at what happened.

So we did it again and again. More intimate than the last. The alarm then blared because I was missing. We snuck out of the small area and went our separate ways.

I eventually bumped into Arnold who gave me a pretty hard uppercut to my stomach. "You little bastard. You could have gotten me killed-"

I held my stomach in pain. "Jesus."

He licked his thumb and wiped my face. "That little bitch got you didn't she."

"Don't call her a bitch."

Arnold glared at my face. "Are you talking back to me?"

I took a deep breath waiting for the next hit. Arnold started grumbling and stomped away.

I went into Brook's apartment to search for her. Clyde was sitting in the dining room eating some of my creme puffs. Son of a bitch.

"So since I'm not here, that gives you permission to eat my shit?" I snapped. He whirled around and pushed the plate away. I grabbed him by the collar. "You are so lucky I don't punch you right now."

He had a look of playful fear in his eyes. "You're back! Brooklyn said help yourself to what ever."

"So you touch the bag that was labeled with my name? You touch the only box, THE ONLY FUCKING BOX, that had my name on it."

"You usually let me have. I'm sorry.." He muttered losing the amusement

"You're going to be sorry Clyde. I'll make you throw them back up trust me." I got closer. I didn't know what I was going to do to him. I could have thrown him..... I could have beat him up.

I heard they door unlock and I immediately dropped Clyde. I ran into the kitchen. He started shivering in fright as I ran past him. He looked at me in terror.

"Say anything to Brooklyn and I'll murder you" I glared whispering. What is going on with me today?"

"I'm back." Brooklyn sighed. She was holding two bags of groceries. 

I came out of the kitchen and she dropped her bags in delight. "YOU'RE BACK!!!" She screamed jumping onto me. I picked her up and swung her slowly. She kissed my face several times. "Where were you?" She snapped.

"I was kidnapped remember." I laughed a little.


"Hydra..... Arnold..."

Her face fell. "Did you sell out Shield?"

"No. But thatis the first question you ask. Not, what did they do to you? Are you ok?"

She laughed. "Well I know you well enough. You look exactly like the day you left. She peered at Clyde who was refusing to eat the rest of the puffs. "I'm sorry about him eating your stuff."

"Don't worry. I don't mind at all. He can have as much as he wants" I smiled. He shook his head slightly.

"I've been trying to find you for a while. No one really wanted to help-"

"No one huh? So you were left with the task of this?"

"Marcus let me fin-"

"I have to go see my ungrateful witch of a sister."


I found her on the ship watching a movie. I swung open the door with force. "Oh! Your back! I missed your bitch ass."

"The hell you just say to me?...."

"I was kidding calm down." She laughed.

"No? It's been a stressful I don't know how many days. Why didn't you help Brook look for me."

"Because I was doing shit. You aren't the biggest thing in life."

"Because the Avengers are more important right."

"The world is more important. Why are you being such a dick?"

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to?" I snapped. She looked at me weirdly.

"Is there someone else in this room?"

I had the fight the urge to knock her down. "God you are a bitch." I scoffed ready to leave

"Excuse me?" She hissed.

"You fucking heard me. Everything is about how you made it to the Avengers."

"What great accomplishment have you had? None. You aren't better than me. Stop acting like it."

"I've had a girlfriend for more than 3 years. Unlike yours who dropped you as soon as he got a call to go back into space."

Her head shot towards me. "You piece of shit...." She glared.

"You aren't better than me. You aren't better than anyone. I mean you take the cake for fakest childhood but that's about it and you also won first place for the most amount of family members. But most of them were fake. But it took you so long to figure it out."

She lunged at me and punched her in the eye to bring her down. "You could have dodged that but you wanted to see me flinch."

"You are a slimy bastard." She held her eye crouching.

"How am I the bastard if you weren't even supposed to be born?"

She kept her voice quiet. "Dick."

"Go live in hell with your friend Robin." I muttered leaving. I did what I needed. That felt so fucking good.

"Dammit Marcus." She whispered as I left. My work here is almost done. I just have to find my best friend Kyle Silver.

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