Chapter 32: She's home

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"Arnold I don't want to fight her." I cried.

"I don't care. You want to stay number one? Then fight."

I stared at Viviana who looked pretty scared at confused. The lights finally shut off and shut back on. Arnold was gone and it was just the two of us. "I don't want to hurt you."I said.

"I know." She said trying to make a stance.

"Listen. I'll forfeit and fake sick"

"Then I can't be number one." She laughed... I thought she was joking so I laughed too.

"Of course you can be."

She walked over to me smiling. I thought I was going to get more desperately needed affection from her. I didn't notice her holding her hand behind her back. She whipped out a knife and scratched my face and chin a few times.  She dropped the knife and grabbed my arm.  "I have to hurt you a little bit. If I don't then it won't be as fun."

Fuck. I taught her this move. She pushed my face against the wall. "Viviana please. I could just fake it now. You know you don't want to do this."

"Yes.... yes I do." She snapped my arm. My right arm. My throwing and punching arm, my main fighting arm. She knew my weakness and she exploited it.  I stared at the line that forms wall and the floor embarrassed.  "Not so big after all." She kicked me to the floor.  Punching me until I couldn't move. "This is your top minor? He was very easy to manipulated. Over these few months I've been working up his affection and managed to weaken him. I deserve the number one spot. I deserve the luxury he gets."

I was too heart broken to move. I was made a fool out of again. I was bested by someone who I thought....  who I thought finally loved me..

"Unconscious Viviana..." the over head said.

I slowly raised in sadness and agony. She threw a punch and hit me square in my face. I hit the floor again. She kicked me over and over. "Why are you so hard to knock out." She grunted. I grabbed her leg with my left hand she started stabbing it but I ignored the pain. She continued to stab me anywhere she could

I was determined to prove that I'm not a pathetic, that I'm not easy to manipulate, that I'm not an easy agent to kill. I'm not going to made a fool again. I stood up and threw her into the wall.

She tried to get up but I flipped her over. I punched her in the stomach. "Finish it Marcus" Arnold's voice said.

She looked at me scared and I softened up a bit.  "I genuinely began to like you, I just wanted to have the chance to be left alone. I'm sorry Marcus. Please don't do this." She started crying.

I helped her up and I could hear Arnold getting angry. She smiled and then tried to push her knife through my chest. I used my broken right arm to block it. I flipped the knife from her hands.

I pinned her to the floor and threw the knife. My blood was dripping onto her. She was squirming and screaming and crying. I cried and punched her forehead. She calmed down and closed her eyes. I checked her pulse. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't bring myself to kill her. I rolled off of her in exhaustion and curled up into a ball trying not to shit myself.

Arnold ran in and carried me out. "I don't know if you can hear me but..... you did good..... better than good. You did beautifully. Left handed too. Let's go fix you back up." He said in his deep raspy voice. "Im sorry you dealt with heart break first hand."

I smiled and watched as the little drips of blood painted the tile floor.

Why trust anyone at this point....

My body was finally relaxed as Brooklyn came in the door and Kess finally left. Kess is alright but...... Jesus it's like I'm a little kid.

Brook already started making popcorn as I scrolled through Netflix. I looked back at her with love and admiration. "What?" She glared throwing a popcorn at me. It hit my face and fell onto my lap. I picked it up and ate it. "I just miss looking at you."

"Yeah, I also missed you smelling and looking good."  She caressed my chin

"Did you not like my beard?" I touched my shaved face.

"When it didn't look like you forgot what a razor looks like." She sat down next to me. She gently squeezed my cheeks together and kissed me. "You missed a couple of spots."

"What are we-"

The door rang and Brooklyn got up to open the door. I looked to see what was entering.

Kyle stood leaning against the door frame. Fuck. "You look well." Brooklyn smiled blocking a full.

"Well I always look good. On the inside I feel like shit." He shot finger guns. "May I come in?"

"Sure" Brooklyn smiled. He closed the door and I looked away. I didn't want to look at him. I wanted to stay out of his life. I thought I could avoid him for longer. "Ari has been babying me cause of the injury." He laughed. "I got to leave because I can finally walk."

Fuck, I feel worse.

He was getting closer. Brooklyn hit me. "Go talk to him. You did stab him. He didn't have to come."

"Hey buddy."  Kyle said sitting at the one seater. It pained me to look at him. My eyes couldn't take much more of the strain. We finally exchanged glances. He smiled and I put my hand to my mouth.

"If you came here to kill me do it quickly."

Brooklyn jabbed me and Kyle sighed letting go of the smile."It's fine.... I just want to talk."

I narrowed my eyes. "You're going to kill me with my girlfriend not looking. That's considerate of you."

"Marcus" Brooklyn warned.

"Ok ok. Where would you like to talk?"


"Sage put me on house arrest, we can go upstairs."

"I'll finish watching my shows. You two have fun, Kyle don't kill him please he's vulnerable."

"I won't." He sang.

Fuck, I'm even more scared now. We reached the room and I held open the door for him. "Oh you are so sweet." He limped up the stairs.

Maybe he won't torture me as much now.

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