That Rainy Season When She Changed

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Late and sleepy.

Those were the most perfect adjectives to describe me on the first Monday morning of that new semester of that new school year.

Having some fun for a short time that semestral vacation, it was hard again for me to adjust to the daily routines of school work. I have to face my professors again, study, take exams, and pray that I pass.

I took my favorite spot. The one at the back, the seat that leans on the wall. It serves as a pillow for me at times that I am too sleepy to pretend that I am listening.

I smiled at the same faces I've been seeing. I know that we were all feeling the same thing. As soon as I was settled, I also started settling my eyes.

The first class was finished in ways I couldn't remember. All I could remember was my seatmate who nudged me one time. I have a thirty minute break after it and so I decided to go out and get myself some coffee. I was just about to get out of the gate when I saw a woman whose face I didn't expect to still see. Instead of crossing the street, I rather turned around and followed her.

I think it is her but it doesn't seem like her. They were different in some ways yet something told me they were the same. She went inside the girls' restroom and I stayed a few steps away and waited.

It took ten minutes before she went out. I finally got a closer look.

Her hair was longer, the ends slightly curled. She has longer eye lashes, has her eye liner on, making her eyes prominent. She applied light blush on, pinkish lips. She wore a sleeveless shirt, tight jeans, high heels. She looked beautiful, comparing her to the last time that I saw her. She walked with grace and I saw some heads turn when she passed by.


She turned her back and I know she has spotted me. She did not show any recognition in her face but she stopped walking. I walked up to her in awe.

"It's been a while," I said. "You study here now?"

"Hindi. Mukhang napadaan lang ako," she answered me with sarcasm.

I laughed. "Hey, don't be mad at me. I was only asking. Besides, I hope you can disassociate me from Ahia. What happened between the two of you stays between the two of you. No hard feelings please between the two of us."

"What's your last name again?"

"Teng," I answered.

"And what's your brother's last name?" she asked me again.

I took a deep breath. "Karl, let's start with a clean slate please. I do not know what happened between you and my brother and I'm sure that whatever it is, he didn't mean that. It's been like what, 4 or 5 months? Maybe the two of us can start anew. I've never treated you badly."

She took a deep breath. "Okay. I have to go now. It was nice seeing you again," she told me though I know she didn't mean it.

I looked at my watch. I only have ten minutes left. "Karl, I have a class to catch in ten minutes. Can I see you after class?"

"What for?"

"I just want to catch up with you," I answered and I knew it sounded stupid. We were never friends anyway.

"My last class ends 5 PM," she told me and left me behind. "I'm on the third floor of this building. I'll see you on either of the stairs."


For some reasons, I felt excited knowing that she agreed for me to see her after our classes. It's not that I am interested with her but I am just amazed with the big dramatic physical change that happened to her.

That Summer When She CriedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon