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1 : shamelessness
song : pretty shining people - george ezra

"Raya, dear, don't you agree?" The tension in my mothers voice was the only thing that pulled me back into the conversation I had been trying so desperately to block out

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"Raya, dear, don't you agree?" The tension in my mothers voice was the only thing that pulled me back into the conversation I had been trying so desperately to block out.

At the mention of expensive brands and who was wearing who, I automatically zoned out.

Unsure of what they'd been talking about previously, I simply nodded and accompanied it with a tight lipped smile. The wrinkles around my mother's tired blue eyes only seemed to deepen as she discretely scowled in my direction.

My mother worked hard to build this life for me, and by that I mean she waited for years and years until my father came along and she could sink her gold digging claws into him in the form of a ring that binds them together for pretty much forever.

She'd love for me to take part in these brainless conversations about how exclusive their clothing articles are but honestly I couldn't care less.

I find the thought of hot cheetos way more interesting than the conversation at hand but alas, I have to put on a show.

My mother waited until Sherri and Roberto had looked away in amazement of the professional dancer she had hired for an astronomical amount of money to sashay around the middle of the room for fifteen minutes. She always did love spending money on pointless things.

"Would it kill you to even pretend to be interested?" She was now leaned forward, her mouth near my ear. I could hear the aggravation in her voice, it was hard to miss.

I refrained the desire to dramatically roll my eyes knowing it would only anger my mother further.

What would we ever do if the world found out our picture perfect family isn't so picture perfect at all?

She finally pulled back, sending me death threats with her eyes before Sherri and Roberto both turned back around simultaneously. I gripped the fabric of my dress in my hand, trying to squeeze out all the aggravation I held for my mother.

Would Alanna hurry up, I thought to myself as I watched all these fake people converse about things they had no clue about.

It's truly amazing to watch all these people throw on happy faces to gather three times a year and gloat about how perfect their terrible lives are. Everyone is miserable. Everyone knows it. No one will admit it.

It's all about who can fake the most happiness and fortune, it's truly sad to watch and grow accustomed to.

My thoughts were cut short as my phone buzzed in my hands, immediately catching my mothers attention. She quickly narrowed her eyes at me, looking as if she could destroy me with her glance. I knew she would have my head once she found out I had my phone in yet another of her elite events.

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