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20 : "he thinks i'm child, sì?"
song : into it - camila cabello

"Kyle, don't worry, I'll stay with hi–" my sentence was cut off as the elevator doors opened and the first thing to come into my sight was a drunken Vitale, handcuffed to the entertainment stand

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"Kyle, don't worry, I'll stay with hi–" my sentence was cut off as the elevator doors opened and the first thing to come into my sight was a drunken Vitale, handcuffed to the entertainment stand.

"Kyle!" His eyes lit up, relief washing over his tinted face. His cheeks were a light shade of pink, and I couldn't help but notice the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt. "What doing she here?" He slurred, attempting to stand up from the floor but when the handcuff pulled him back, he groaned in annoyance, glaring at the metal as if it insulted him.

"You told me to get her, remember?" Kyle said, walking further into the room as I mindlessly followed him.

"No, no," he shook his head, swaying slightly with the motion. He closed his eyes momentarily. "I no tell you such thing, put back where you got it," his accent was thicker than usual.

"Excuse me?" I narrowed my eyes at the idiot handcuffed to a TV stand. "I did not climb down three stories of my house in freaking pajamas to just go back, you shit," I neared him, kneeling in front of him as I messed with the cuffs.

I nearly bursted out in laughter when I realized they were toy cuffs. I pressed the little lever down, releasing his wrist from the plastic toy.

"How many times are you going to find yourself in cuffs, Bianchi?" I asked as I stood back to my feet, lending a hand down to the drunken manchild on the floor.

"I don't know," he slurred, angrily. His face contorted into anger, but it was a childish expression.

"I'm going to get out of here," Kyle said from behind me as Vitale steadied on his feet. "Are you sure you can handle this, Ray?" He asked, his eyes narrowing in on my own to make sure I was alright.

"I'll be fine, I'll text you if I need any help," I said as Vitale grabbed my waist from behind me, pulling me back against him, possessively.

Kyle nodded silently before turning on his heel and entering back into the elevator.

He stood, his back pressed against the elevator, his light blue eyes dancing over the two of us. "Behave, Vitale," was all he said before he the silver doors slid closed.

He scoffed lightly in my ear, his hands finding their way to my hips.

"H-He thinks I'm child, sì?" he mumbled against my ear, the hiccup not missed.

I groaned in annoyance, spinning around to face him. I placed my hands on his chest in hopes to put some distance between us. His dark eyes danced over my features, narrowing on my lips momentarily but he quickly found my eyes once more.

"No, he thinks you're drunk," I responded, giving him a pointed look, much like the one Kyle had given him only moments before.

Vitale gasped, childishly. His expression led me to believe that he was offended by the absurd accusation.

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