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19 : unwanted guests
song : superpowers (acoustic) - SAARA

"You slept with him?" Alanna asked as I sat across from her

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"You slept with him?" Alanna asked as I sat across from her. We were at our local coffee shop, since she insisted she needed coffee after the night that she had.

Apparently she had walked five minutes down the road in her drunken stupor after the shots were fired last night, called a taxi, and went home. It wasn't until this morning that she realized that she'd gone with me and left without me.

A great friend, really. But I guess I can't complain since I didn't even call her like I planned to.

"I did not sleep with him!" I hissed, furrowing my brows at her as she looked at me, astonished. Her wild red hair was tied back into a ponytail, and there was no trace of makeup on her pale skin. "We slept in the same bed, that's it!"

"Uh-huh, sure," she grinned, wriggling her brows suggestively.

"Has my mom called?" I asked, bringing my cup of coffee to my lips and taking a sip.

"Not yet, I was shocked when I realized," she admitted, stirring her coffee slowly as she stared at it intensely, watching the movement closely.

"I figured she would've blown up your phone by now," I chuckled, setting my cup back onto the table and watching out the window as the cars passed by.

I love this coffee shop. When the stress and pressure of the royal world became too much for me to bear, my father would always bring me here. He would order two plates of chocolate chip pancakes and strawberry milkshakes. It was always my favorite place to be, and ever since my father went missing, it was where I went to remember him the most.

"Raya? Are you listening?" Alanna's voice pulled me back to reality. I blinked a few times before nodding vaguely.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm just tired," I smiled weakly, leaning back into the booth.

"Where is Mr. Hot Italian?" She asked, looking around the vicinity as if he was just looming around in the corners. I chucked at her, shaking my head.

"I couldn't tell you," I shrugged. "I woke up this morning and he was gone, I called a taxi after our phone call and came here," I caught her up to speed.

I remember waking up this morning, and all the memories of last night slowly flooding in. Just the thought made me breathless, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed when I rolled over to find the other side of the bed empty. It was an odd feeling.

"Hmm," she hummed, pondering for a moment, "so he's more of a one-night stand kind of guy," she teased, chuckling slightly. I rolled my eyes at her.

"We didn't have sex, Alanna, he didn't even touch me!" I blushed when I realized I'd said that a little louder than I meant to and a few heads in the coffee shop turned towards us.

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