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31 : do you think fish get songs stuck in their head?
song : want you back - grey ft. LÉON

My evening started out fairly normal when Alanna decided she was going to visit her mother and brother for a few days

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My evening started out fairly normal when Alanna decided she was going to visit her mother and brother for a few days. The rain was pelting mercilessly, the thunderstorms and lightning showers were enough to make me try and convince Alanna that she should just hold off until the morning.

"Raya, I'll be alright," she smiled reassuringly, tilting her head to the side as she clutched her beat up duffel bag in her hands. "I'll be back by Friday, I promise. I just need to get away from this all." She released one of her hands from the handle and waved in the general direction of her apartment.

"Promise you'll call me when you make it there?"

"I promise." She grinned at me before wrapping me up in one quick and tight hug before releasing me and stepping back to the door. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" She asked one last time as she pulled the door open to reveal the storm outside.

"I'm positive, go enjoy your time with your family," I smiled faintly, wrapping my arms around myself as the harsh winds began whipping into the apartment.

With one last nod and a kiss on the cheek goodbye, she was out of the door and beginning her two hour trip to her mothers house.

I caught the inside of my cheek with my teeth, gnawing on the spot as I stared at the closed door.

Complete and utter silence other than the sound of the rain pounding against the roof engulfed me all at once. As if on cue, all my thoughts flooded in at once.

God, how did I get here?

My dad has been missing for nearly three years, my mother is one leash short of controlling my whole existence, my best friend's used-to-be boyfriend is possibly a murderer, and for some ungodly reason I'm attracted to a mobster.

You could say my life is overwhelmed with normality lately.

Without thinking, I turn on my heel and head straight for Alanna's favorite cabinet; her liquor cabinet.

Incase you needed a preface for how I became completely and utterly shit-faced while sobbing over Marley and Me in Alanna's darkened apartment, wrapped up in a hello-kitty blanket that Alanna had owned since she was a child.

"M-Marley!" I let out another ugly, drunken sob as I clutched the tissue that I couldn't quite remember where I'd found.

My phone began ringing annoyingly against the coffee table in front of me as the ending credits rolled, and I let out a shaky breath before grabbing the device and answering it before checking to see what the caller I.D. said. Only few select people had my phone number, so I wasn't too worried.

"Hello?" I sniffed into the phone and the other end of the line was silent for a beat too long. "Hello?" I asked this time with a little more force, hoping maybe whoever was on the other end of the line would reveal their identity.

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