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"Ian, could you be any rougher? For all you know those are breakables!" I groaned, placing a hand on my forehead.

Ian flashed me a boyish grin, standing over the brown cardboard box he'd just plopped onto the floor.

"From the sound it made when it hit the ground, I believe you might be right." He nodded, glancing down to it on the tiled floor.

I sighed, leaning my head back to look up at the ceiling in hopes it would give me the strength to not hit this manchild over the head.

"See?" A new and familiar voice added to the conversation. "This is why I'm the favorite." Kyle spoke as he lugged in another box identical to the one Ian had just dropped.

Kyle's Douche-Do had grown out to be a little longer on the sides, but he still decided to keep the top of it longer. I didn't mind it, it looked good on him. Way better than the buzz cut he had sported on the sides a few months back.

"You're not the favorite. There's nothing favorable about you," Ian scoffed, moving towards the door. "Except for maybe when you're my little bitch and do my dishes for me."

"Ian!" I scolded, earning a smirk from him.

"I'm not going to stoop to your level, Mr. Clean. Want some windex for that receding hair line or is that not on brand for you?" Kyle placed the box onto the floor before turning back to grin at Ian.

Ian rolled his eyes.

"I don't have any hair."

"Because you had a receding hairline, and also thats the point."

"Go fuck a toilet paper roll."

"Go fuck-,"

"Boys!" I yelled, grabbing the attention of the two children in front of me who both turned and flashed me their boyish grins simultaneously as if on cue.

"I'm a man. I don't know about that idiot over there." Ian jerked his head towards Kyle earning a dramatic gasp.

"Would you both for the love of god just shut up for ten seconds?" I asked, gripping my temples in annoyance.

"They've been working for me for years and they still have yet to learn that one," a new voice entered the room and I turned to find Vitale, dapper as always in his dark suit that looked like it was tailored to his body's every curve and divot.

I smiled at him as he neared me, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to come until later," I spoke before he pressed his lips against mine swiftly in a quick peck.

"Turns out there was less for me to do than I thought." He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him.

Ian and Kyle made dramatic gagging noises before filing out the door.

He looked around at the brown boxes that littered the floor in the empty foyer of our new home that I was head over heels for.

"It looks like we've got some unpacking to do." He grinned, glancing back down to me.

I nodded, looking around us as well.

"Just a little."

Kyle and Ian came in one after the other, carrying two more boxes.

"This is the last of it, your majesty," Ian spoke in his gruff voice, plopping the box down onto the floor just like he had earlier even though I'd scolded him.

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