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Thank you so much for reading Royal Pain. I honestly had such a fun time writing and creating these characters. They are probably some of my favorite characters I've ever created and it honestly broke my heart when I finished writing this book, I seriously didn't want to say goodbye to them.

I appreciate you reading this book more than you'll ever know!

That being said, if you enjoyed Royal Pain and are interested in reading more of my books I have more works on my account, and would love it if you gave them a chance ☺️

How to Frame Eden Crawford

Alaska Bennett has always felt safe in her sleepy little hometown of Rose Hallow, Connecticut

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Alaska Bennett has always felt safe in her sleepy little hometown of Rose Hallow, Connecticut. Never once did she feel at risk until one October day when her father, Detective Bennett, alerts her of the homicide that happened early that morning.

While they don't yet have the perpetrator in custody, her father is quite sure that it's a man named Eden Crawford who is rumored to run in a local gang.  The only issue? They don't have enough evidence to incriminate him.

Alaska, wanting to be helpful, concocts a plan - she will go undercover, gain Eden's trust and eventually get him to confess while she wears a wiretap. Simple enough to restore safety in the community and put this man where he rightfully belongs.

The only things unaccounted for? Feelings blossoming in places they shouldn't, for people they shouldn't and the moral battle that it brings along with it.


Florence Thompson is the poster child for your average 'good girl'

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Florence Thompson is the poster child for your average 'good girl'. Working at Glenn's Midnight Diner in the heart of her hometown and spending all her downtime with her best friends, she doesn't have time to get into trouble and even if she did she would probably be curled up in bed with a good book instead.

Due to her deep love of romance novels and movies, she has been a hopeless romantic since she could remember. As a (neurotic) hopeless romantic she has her life all mapped out perfectly between college and finding her soulmate before she turns 21.

It's a fool proof plan, really.

Finish college

Find soulmate

Get married

Have kids

White picket fence life ensues.

Having just turned 20, Florence definitely feels the heat of the clock slowly ticking down. With just one year left before she hopes to be in love with her soul mate and on track for her five-year plan, she finds herself searching now more than ever on her downtime between Tinder and other various dating apps only to continuously come up empty-handed.

Just when she's ready to throw in the towel and adopt a hundred cats (figuratively, of course) her best friend and self-proclaimed 'Sugar baby' Aria Evers decides to introduce her to the new sugar baby app called "Sugar" and the sweet world of lonely men with too much money. A world that is a stark contrast from her excruciatingly dull and tedious life.

Little does Florence Thompson know that her five-year plan is about to get squashed like a bug on the bottom of a very expensive shoe belonging to none other than Vincent De Bellis.

In a battle between money and morals, which will win?

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