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15 : "mr. bianchi, was it?"
song : heaven - julia michaels

The obnoxious tapping noise of Vitale's pen hitting his oak desk was beginning to drive me nuts as he flipped through a small stack of manilla folders

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The obnoxious tapping noise of Vitale's pen hitting his oak desk was beginning to drive me nuts as he flipped through a small stack of manilla folders. I sat across from his desk in the black chair that matched his dark carpet that sat in front of it. I ran my toes through it, thankful that I had taken my shoes off earlier.

"Ah, yes," Vitale's voice broke me of my daze and brought my back to the reality at hand. He slid a folder towards me, the front cover flipped open to reveal a document. A document that looked an awful lot like a birth certificate. To be specific, my birth certificate.

At the top it stated my full name; Raya Rose Knight. This was followed by my date of birth and everything else that is proudly displayed on birth certificates. My eyes fell upon my fathers name, my heart clenching slightly in my chest as tears pricked behind my eyes. Tearing my eyes away from the sheet, and attempting to suppress the water that was bound to fall from my eyes, I looked up to Vitale.

"What about it?" I asked, shoving the folder towards him. "Is there a point you're trying to make? Is that it?" I scoffed, crossing my arms across my chest like an upset child as he studied me closely with his burning gaze.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked, leaning back in his chair and pressing the top end of the pen against his lips. I eyed his mouth closely, the hormones in my body betraying me as I watched his tongue flick out of his mouth and run over his bottom lip.

"Preferably never, seeing as I didn't exactly plan on ever seeing you again," I held his gaze, not willing to break it as if it was a battle for power between the two of us. I knew wholeheartedly that if it was, I would not be the one to win it.

"Why didn't you tell me before? I know you do not know me very well, tesoro, but I am not a man of much patience. I do not enjoy being lied to, and when I am lied to, I am not one to spare said person of their life," his tone was dark enough to wilt a flower, he said the one word in his native tongue so venomously that I was sure it was an insult, and I wished I knew Italian for a moment.

"No offense, jerk-wad, but I sure as hell don't think that I owed you anything when I was unwillingly handcuffed to you, let alone the truth," I scoffed, rolling my eyes vaguely as I felt the anger settle in my chest. Who does this man think he is, scolding me for something that was quite frankly none of his business?

His dark eyes perused me slowly and dangerously, drinking in every detail of my face as he popped the pen into his mouth torturously, tapping one of his teeth with the metal object. "Is your phone tracked?" He pondered, but I know he already knew the answer to his question. He was that type of person. He'll ask you a question even when he knows exactly what the answer will be.

"I don't know," I lied straight through my teeth, watching him closely.

"Where is it?" He asked, sitting up in his chair, placing the pen back on his desk in its respective place. His accent was intimidatingly thicker for some reason, sending shivers down my spine.

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