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12 : gracie, gracie.
song : punches - noah cyrus

song : punches - noah cyrus

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"Raya, you have a guest." Roger, our security guard informed me as I laid sprawled out across the white couch in the middle of the living room.

I had been cooped up in the house for the past two weeks since I came home from being handcuffed to a jughead for a whole day. Though my mother alluded to the fact that I wasn't grounded, she sure as hell kept me on a short leash. I was basically on house arrest since I'd come home.

Not grounded, my tooshy.

"Thank you, Roger. Send them in." I responded, finally sitting up right. Figuring it was Alanna, I made no move to greet her as I pulled my phone out, looking at a funny picture that Gabriel sent to me.

"Raya." The voice most definitely did not belong to my beloved best friend, but instead the man my mother had been nearly forcing me to date for the past two years.

"Trevor." I said, shocked at his presence. I quickly stood up from my spot on the couch, smoothing over my black skirt. My mother would frown deeply if she saw the attire I was wearing in front of him. I hadn't really been expecting anyone to come today, let alone Trevor.

He stood, his brown hair neatly combed over to the side. His hazel eyes danced over me as his perfectly white teeth broke free from his lips, flashing me one of his perfect-tooth grins. He was wearing a dark navy sweater and a pair of jeans, nothing too thrilling.

"I have a surprise." He grinned, nearing me eagerly. "I need you to go pack some clothes for a day or so." He said, his hands shoved into his pockets as he now stood within arms reach of me.

"I'm not so sure my mother will allow me to leave today...or ever." I mumbled the last part more to myself. If he heard it, he didn't show that he did.

"I have already discussed the matter with her, don't worry," he informed me, a small secretive smile playing over his pink lips.

"Very well then, give me a few moments," I nodded, turning on my heel and heading for my room. Dear lord, give me patience for this night I am about to spend with this man.

I do care for Trevor, on a human level, don't get me wrong but I've never felt any sort of romantic connection to him. I just play along to keep my mother happy, which is truly one of the toughest tasks and maybe the most unfair position to put him in.


"You seriously didn't have to do all that," I mumbled as I pulled my coat tighter around myself as the cool August winds whipped past us violently in the night.

"You're my girlfriend, who I haven't seen in nearly a month. Sure, I didn't have to, but I wanted to," Trevor sent me a warm smile, wrapping a strong arm around my shoulders, pulling me tight against him as we continued down the sidewalk towards the car that was down the street.

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