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35 : little miss perfect
song : oh me believer (rain+thunder) - twenty øne pilots

Upon realizing that I didn't know a lick of the German language, I pulled out the piece of paper I had the hotel address written down on and handed it to him

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Upon realizing that I didn't know a lick of the German language, I pulled out the piece of paper I had the hotel address written down on and handed it to him.

Thankfully, it worked because before I knew it we made it to the hotel.

The hotel wasn't anything special, and it surely would give my mother a heart attack if she ever found out I stayed in it.

Lucky for me the receptionist spoke fluent English so getting set up in my mediocre little hotel room with a flickering light and draft from the window wasn't too hard.

After I'd settled in and found myself sitting on my bed, I quickly realized that I had absolutely no idea what I'm doing.

I don't have a phone, so where do I even begin to look for my ever elusive father?

I gnawed the inside of my lip, racking my brain for any plausible idea that might get me even one step closer to finding the man I'd called my best friend for so many years.

I could ask around but that would take forever and with how much digging Vitale had to do to even get that one photo, I'm sure that I would probably never even find him.

Sitting in the full size bed that felt more like a quilt covered sheet of cardboard, I couldn't help but feel like an absolute idiot for not thinking this out more thoroughly.

I sighed, glancing out the window and realizing how late it was getting. The clock read ten fifteen and I found myself yawning.

An idea struck me and I honestly couldn't decide if it was the most ingenious or idiotic thought I'd had all day.

I could call Kyle and ask him where the photo was taken.

Hear me out, Vitale is already going to know I'm in Germany after reading the note for Alanna in her apartment and putting two and two together that he'd just told me where my father was.

So maybe it's not about hiding the complete fact of where I am, but instead finding my father before Vitale finds me.

I nodded firmly to myself, deciding in that moment that that's exactly what I'd do since it was the only choice I had.

I glanced at the landline sitting on the dresser next to the box TV, quickly shooting the idea down when I thought of how Vitale probably had someone who could track the number down in less than two minutes.

I pushed myself up, sliding my feet back into my converse and slipping a black hoodie over my head.

I need to find a payphone and while wandering alone at 10PM in a country I'm unfamiliar with isn't my smartest idea, I can't say I have many more options to choose from.

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