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18 : your father
song : let me go - hailee steinfeld

"Hey, Iron Man, mind loosening up on my wrist?" I narrowed my eyes at the back of Vitale even though he couldn't see the annoyance in my gaze

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"Hey, Iron Man, mind loosening up on my wrist?" I narrowed my eyes at the back of Vitale even though he couldn't see the annoyance in my gaze. "I have to find Alanna, she is probably shit-faced and you and I both know that she does incredibly stupid things when she's under the influence of alcohol," I said, the vague memory of the biting pain around my wrist passed through my mind.

"I'm sorry that your alcoholic friend doesn't know how to handle her booze, but I have to get you somewhere where its safe, so would you shut up for thirty seconds," Mr. Moody grumbled from ahead of me, tightening his grip slightly for added effect.

One minute he's prince charming with a white horse and all, the next he's the devil who happens to be stabbing me with his pitchfork.

"Don't tell me to shut up, you shit," I grumbled, yanking on his arms in hopes to stop him but it was no use. He was a six foot giant, made of steel, and here I am, an actual potato in a dress.

That's a weird mental image, I won't say that again.

"Well stop talking, and I wouldn't have to," he suggested, only infuriating me further.

Finally we arrived to the elevator of the hotel, and I felt deja-vu wash over me as he hit the button that corresponded to the floor that was purely his.

"Can I at least call her?" I asked, leaning lazily against his arm as the elevator climbed.

It was a little past one in the morning, and I was more exhausted than I have ever been.

"Yes," he said, surprising me. I was expecting to have to put up more of a fight, but maybe he actually felt bad for smashing my phone to smithereens.

I felt his gaze dance curiously over me as I leaned on him, our hands still intertwined from the walk in. "Did you drink, Raya?" He asked, budding annoyance was lacing his voice.

"Water," I said, confused by his question. Even if I did, it's not quite his business. "Giovanni offered to buy me a drink before he attempted to murder me," I spewed the information, the small detail still confusing me.

It's like giving the pig an apple before you roast it.

"What did you say?" He pressed as the elevator dinged, the doors opening and revealing the same pristine penthouse that I'd become annoyingly familiar with.

"I said no, how stupid do you think I am?" I scoffed, letting go of his hand as we stepped into the living room. I felt his gaze burning a hole in my skull as I plopped down on the couch.

"Depends on the day," he said, loosening his tie and pulling off his suit jacket. I watched as he carefully hung it up. "Have you eaten yet?" The question was harmless, but the way his eyes pinned me, I knew that I had to answer it carefully.

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