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41 : ship for sail
song : everybody - ingrid michaelson

41 : ship for sailsong : everybody - ingrid michaelson

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"Raya, no, put that down." My mothers voice called out, distracting me momentarily as I walked through the foyer with a big box of decoration in my hands.

"Should I take you literally? Because this is a box of very breakable things." I shrugged, turning on my heel to glance at her.

Surprisingly, she was in black dress pants and a silk top. Usually she was clad in the most expensive dress or skirt, with a top to match. Something had switched between us since my trip to Germany.

I hadn't told her yet, and she seemingly had no idea that I ever even left the house when she was gone, but things seemed less tense between us.

I wanted to tell her everything as soon as she stepped foot through the door but I knew it wouldn't be beneficial for either of us so I decided to wait until the right moment.

Unluckily for me, the right moment was not in the very near future since she was holding a charity event this Friday and there was only two days to prepare for it.

Of course our decorators and event coordinators have everything down to a science but I can't help but feel lousy for not helping them since the event was so last minute.

"Don't be so literal, Raya." My mother sighed, approaching me and taking the box from my hands before handing it off to one of the workers that happened to be passing by us at that moment.

"You need to be getting ready, I can't have you looking anything less than royalty tonight." My mother spoke, eyeing my ripped jeans that Alanna had given me.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "It's only three, the event doesn't start until six!" I protested in a childlike manner, giving her a pointed look.

"And you should've started getting ready an hour ago! Rome wasn't built in a day, darling." She said, pushing me from behind by my shoulders towards the grand staircase that lead to the second floor.

I sighed in a defeated manner, spinning on my heel as we approached the bottom of the stairs.

"Can I invite my friends?" I decided to not beat around the bush and just face the music.

My mother's brows furrowed together and I watched as confusion danced over her expression.

I've never asked to invite friends since my mother knew that other than Alanna, I was pretty closed off and alone. In any other walk of life I would be considered a loner, and honestly half the time that's what I title myself as.

"Friends?" She ponders aloud, wondering how exactly the plurality of that word fits into my life.

I nodded slowly, waiting for her to blow up and accuse me of sneaking out and doing things I was stupid to do when she just shrugged lightly.

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