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38 : oh well
song : UGH! - the 1975

Needless to say after our spontaneous moment of passion, we were graced by Kyle texting Vitale a selfie of him dramatically pretending to lick the side of a very annoyed Ian's face

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Needless to say after our spontaneous moment of passion, we were graced by Kyle texting Vitale a selfie of him dramatically pretending to lick the side of a very annoyed Ian's face.

I laughed aloud, wondering just how much had changed since I'd left them only two days before.

The plane ride back to North Castle surprisingly felt shorter than the ride to Germany, it was filled with Kyle and Ian bickering back and forth and Vitale's soft, even breaths as he laid across the couch on the far wall, his arm slung lazily over his eyes.

I found myself reading a copy of The Great Gatsby that I'd found on the coffee table and texting Gus since Vitale brought my phone when I wasn't busy listening to Ian telling Kyle that he looks like a thumb with a douchebag haircut to which Kyle replied with "At least I have hair, you look like a mealworm with a buzzcut," so you could say very intelligent conversation was happening between the two of them.

Gus was elated when I texted him, making more jokes about how he thought I was going to leave him hanging.

I found myself laughing aloud like a weirdo during our conversation, and it might be the only thing that kept me any kind of sane during that plane ride.

Upon our arrival, Willard who I've come to know as Vitale's butler brought us to his hotel instead of his home. Kyle and Ian got their usual rooms while Vitale dragged me to his penthouse that I've become much too familiar with over the past few months.

So, here we now sit, me curled up under a blanket on the couch as I scroll through my phone, still talking to Gus. Vitale was in his study, doing god only knows what.

He was still in Germany and was leaving back to America tonight. He made a suggestion to stop here before he goes back but I insisted he didn't need to make more stops than necessary. I don't know how I'd explain my banged up appearance.

My phone began ringing and to my surprise Gus' name appeared across the screen.

"Missed me so much you just needed to hear my voice, Kaufman?" I joked, a grin gracing my lips as I tilted my head, playing with a loose string on my jeans.

"We've been friends for ten years and this is the treatment I get?" He asked ludicrously through the phone, and I can just picture his hand over his heart in feign hurt.

I chuckled into the phone. "I just met you like three days ago!"

Gus let out a chuckle through the phone.

"If we're going to be honest I accidentally hit the call button and figured I'd roll with the punches." Gus informed me, sounding momentarily distracted.

I chuckled, pushing the blanket off of me and swinging my feet to the floor.

"We've been friends for ten years and this is the treatment I get, an accidental phone call?" I mirror his words from only moments before only to be met with his boisterous laugh.

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