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8 : "old married couple."
song : not today - alessia cara

"If you do not stop tugging on this goddamn cuff, I swear to whatever god that you believe in, I will shoot your hand clean off

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"If you do not stop tugging on this goddamn cuff, I swear to whatever god that you believe in, I will shoot your hand clean off." Vitale seethed from beside me as he pulled me behind him towards the extravagant building that sat atop a hill.

"Oh, shut up, would you?" I bit out, glaring at him as I gave up on trying to squeeze my hand out of the cuff. Though small, my hands were not small enough to fit through the opening and that was something I needed to come to terms with before Vitale stayed true to his words.

In the past half an hour, he had managed to become even more infuriating than he had been in all the time that we'd been handcuffed. On the car ride over, he decided that trying to pick the lock with a bobby pin he snatched from my hair was a good idea. To no avail, he failed miserably and actually broke my poor bobby pin instead of unlocking the cuffs.

This wasn't what bothered me so much, it was the fact that every time I tried to rest my hand on my leg, I was pulled right back over to him so he could continue on with his futile attempt.

Not only that, but he only got more and more persistent with his gun threats as I whined for him to stop. I couldn't help it! The way he had the cuffs angled they were biting into my wrist and it wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world.

"You guys fight like an old married couple." Kyle groaned from beside me, earning a cold glare in his direction from the both of us.

"Your a real hoot, Kyle." I deadpanned, "Whoever created you must be real proud."

"My mother is proud, thank you very much!" Kyle beamed, showing all of his perfectly white teeth that belonged in a Crest commercial. I all but rolled my eyes at his response.

I chose to not respond to him, treading behind Vitale who was very tightly gripping the piece of paper in his hand. He stoped abruptly just as we came to the door, spinning around to face me in a flash. An annoyed look in his green eyes, per usual. I was becoming increasingly used to the death threats he sent with his eyes.

"Listen very closely," Vitale uttered roughly, tugging the cuff up higher on his arm and then repeating the action on me, "you are going to behave, and you are not to speak unless spoken to. This is not a place to joke around or act like a child, unless you want to get shot. Unfortunately for me, I am handcuffed to you without a key and I would rather not be handcuffed to a dead body." He said, interlacing our fingers together on our cuffed hands, pulling our sleeves down to at least hide the cuffs. We couldn't hide the chain but it wasn't too noticeable if the cuffs weren't visible.

Apparently Big Bad Vitale didn't want these people to know that he'd been unwillingly handcuffed to some girl. Well, I hope he knows that the feeling is completely and utterly mutual.

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