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29 : talk about awkward
song : 26 - paramore

"Let's get the fucker," Alanna's voice echoed in my head, and I just blinked at her

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"Let's get the fucker," Alanna's voice echoed in my head, and I just blinked at her.

Any sort of sentence that was about to make its way out of my mouth was immediately caught in my throat, and I just stared at her like an idiot.

After a long moment of silence I looked around us at her little apartment, curiously.

"What are you looking for?" Alanna pondered, brows furrowed as she glanced around as well in hopes to find whatever it was I was looking for.

"A camera crew."

Alanna groaned, flopping back onto the couch.

"I'm being serious, Ray. I want to catch him and call him out for all this bullshit," she waved her hands around dramatically.

I gnawed the inside of my lip as she sat up and locked eyes with me.

"How do you suppose we do that?" I pondered aloud, furrowing my brows as I stared at my best friend.

"You." Was her only word that only caused my bubbling confusion to boil over, but then all at once it hit me.

"Absolutely not."

"Come on, Raya, for me?" She held her hands together and pushed her bottom lip out in a puppy dog pout. "For your heartbroken best friend?"

I groaned, this time it was my turn to flop back dramatically.

What kind of a friend would I be if I said no?

"Fine," I breathed the one word, hands over my eyes as I more than likely signed the contract to my own death.

"Yay!" She screeched, way more excited about the situation than she should be. "Now, what's his number?" She asked, unlocking her phone and pulling up the number pad.

"I'm not giving you his number," I shook my head. "You called him once already today, just do that again or something."

"Business hours, Ray."

"Fine," I sigh, tossing my phone at her. "Have fun finding him, though."

It was silent for a few moments as she scrolled through my contact list. At first she went straight to the V's but when she found nothing she scrolled back up to the B's, again not finding his name. After awhile a chuckle escaped her lips.

"Really?" She let out an airy laugh. "Captain El Fucko?"

I grinned proudly as ringing met my ears.

Much to my dismay, Vitale Bianchi picked up on the fourth ring.

"Raya?" His voice was groggy, laced with that Italian accent that could melt any woman. My heart fluttered as my name rolled off his tongue.

"That ship has sailed, El Fucko," Alanna remarked, beaming at me as if she was proud of herself. I let out an airy chuckle.

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