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32 : pity
song : human - clementine duo (cover)

"I've got it!" Kyle called from the back seat, smacking his hand onto the back of my headrest, causing me to lurch forward is surprise

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"I've got it!" Kyle called from the back seat, smacking his hand onto the back of my headrest, causing me to lurch forward is surprise.

"Kyle!" I hissed, whipping around to glare at him as Vitale calmly continued our drive down the narrow road. "Give a girl warning, would you?"

"Call me Einstein, because I have a genius idea!" His face appeared between the two front seats, his blue eyes alight with a budding excitement that confused me to no end.

Vitale made a vague motion with his right hand to get Kyle to continue talking, and so he did.

"Alfonsi is hosting a dinner party next week, Giovanni, as his consigliere, should be there without a doubt. If Giovanni is there, we have a fair chance that Gabriel will be in tow."

"Consi-what?" I furrowed my brows, glancing at Vitale for some sort of explanation.

His dark eyes find my own, and with a deep sigh he's attempting to define the word for me on the simplest way possible.

"In the mafia you have the boss and then the under boss and so forth, but you also have the consigliere who is basically the boss' right hand man. While he doesn't have as much power as the boss, he still maintains more power than the underboss." Vitale's hand gripped the gear shift between us, his gaze flickering from the road to my face.

I furrowed my brows. "How do you guys know Giovanni is his consi-whatever? What if you're wrong and you go in there, guns blazing but it completely backfires?"

"It's obvious that he's his consigliere, just like it's obvious that Kyle is mine," Vitale's voice was even and calm, his eyes continued to flicker between the road and myself.

I nodded, listening carefully to the information he handed to me.

"So what," I began, "we just show up and take them down? I don't know much about the mafia but I feel as if it's not that easy to just take down some public figure of the mafia."

Kyle rolled his eyes at me. "When I first met you I kind of wondered if you were some secret agent. I just want you to know that thought was killed and buried a long, long time ago."

My eyebrows rose and I scoffed in feigned offense. "I'll have you know I'd be the best secret agent you ever did meet."

"Nah, we've had our fair share of best of the best secret agents that we sniffed out fairly quickly." Kyle smacked Vitale's arm, earning a harsh glare through the rear view mirror that he, as always, completely ignored. "Remember that one agent? Mia, Maia, Missy? The one with the huge tits? I mean huge, like-," he proceeded to exaggerate, using his hands to give me a mental image of how well this woman was endowed.

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