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21 : guns & jenga
song : somebody to love - troye sivan (cover)

Kyle's blue eyes steadily concentrated on the wobbling tower of blocks between us

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Kyle's blue eyes steadily concentrated on the wobbling tower of blocks between us. Pinching his fingers together like tweezers, he boldly grabbed one of the blocks on the outside of the middle layer. Wrinkling my nose, I held my breath in hopes that maybe it would help assure that the tower we'd built wouldn't come crashing down.

Just as he almost slid the block out without any major wobbling, he adjusted himself closer to the table between us. Before my very eyes, the worst thing imaginable thing happened: the tower came crashing down, the blocks scattering on the carpet below us and over the table.

"Kyle!" I whined, slouching in my chair as he flashed me a winning grin.

"I'm sorry!" He said, picking up a few blocks off of the floor and tossing them onto the wooden table. "To be fair, though, I was just trying to get a better angle," I narrowed my eyes at him as he continued to pick up the blocks from the floor.

A few moments passed by before Kyle realized that I wasn't helping him pick up the mess he'd made. "Are you going to help me, or just sit there and try to set me on fire with your eyes?"

"I was actually trying to make you spontaneously combust, but whatever floats your boat," I shrugged, grabbing the pieces of wood that had fallen beside my feet. Kyle chuckled lightly from the opposite side of the table where he was now carefully placing the blocks back into their respective box.

I tossed the few pieces that I'd grabbed towards him, he only narrowed his eyes playfully at me when one of them knocked into his hand. I grinned, pushing myself out of my chair and ambling further into the small living room area.

After Vitale and I's...encounter this morning, he had gotten a call and quickly handed me over to Kyle before whisking away without saying anything to me. He had pulled Kyle to the side and mumbled a few things that I had strained to eavesdrop, but failed miserably.

I thought I heard something about a giraffe and a cake, but I'm fairly confident that isn't the most popular subject amongst the mafia.

I hounded Kyle for fifteen minutes before I finally gave up since he decided to give me the silent treatment. Now we were lounging around his room in the hotel complex, and I was more nosey than a kid in a candy shop.

Surprisingly enough, Kyle's room was neat, not a thing was out of place. Well, except for the handgun that sat casually upon his coffee table.

Leaning down, I grabbed the metallic object off of the table. It was heavy in my hand, and not to mention freezing cold since Kyle liked to keep his room at subzero temperatures. Holding it up, I extended my arm, aiming the barrel towards the window and squinting one eye like all the double agents in the movies.

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