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14 : "you peanut!"
song : sleep on the floor - the lumineers

"Raya Knight, get back here or I swear to god–" Trevor's yelling behind me suddenly drowned out as I met the cold green eyes that I hadn't seen for what felt like eternities

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"Raya Knight, get back here or I swear to god–" Trevor's yelling behind me suddenly drowned out as I met the cold green eyes that I hadn't seen for what felt like eternities.

There Vitale stood, clad in a gray charcoal suit that seemed as if it was tailored just for him. His dark brown, almost black hair was slicked back like the last time I'd seen him, the signature single strand of hair dangling over his forehead as if we was a dang greaser.

Move out of the way, John Travolta.

His cold eyes softened upon seeing me out of surprise, I assume, but nothing that I would've noticed had I not been staring so intently at him.

"Yes?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence between the two of us.

"We've received a noise complaint pertaining to this room specifically, someone reported yelling," he informed me, spewing the information out as if he was one of those automated machines that call you about your credit...but way raspier and hotter.

What? You can't blame a girl for being observant!

"I apologize, but I'm leaving so there shouldn't be an issue any longer," I replied, sidestepping him. Before I could pull the door shut behind me, a hard grabbed my forearm tightly, attempting to pull me backwards.

Turning to face Trevor, I felt my eyes widen at his sudden act.

"Let me go, Trevor," I said, attempting to yank my arm out of his bruising grasp but to no avail.

"No, Raya. Not until you get back in here, and we settle this," he insisted, completely ignoring Vitale's presence. His dark eyes held no sign of forfeit as I stared at him.

"I believe she asked you to let her go. Now, I don't know about you, but I was raised to treat women with respect and holding a woman against her will does not seem like respect to me," Vitale broke the deafening silence that filled the air around us, making my eyes flit over to him quickly.

Where was this respect he speaks of when he was treating me like a pebble at the bottom of a fish tank three weeks ago?

Weird analogy.

"Butt out, dude," Trevor cooly responded, sending the best icy glare that he could muster in Vitale's direction. It didn't seem to phase him in the slightest. "This isn't your business."

"This is my hotel, what goes on within this hotel happens to be my business. A man emotionally abusing a woman, dancing on the very thin line between emotional and physical, in my hotel is my business. So, I will ask once more. Please remove your hand from her, or I will have no choice but to have you removed from the hotel." Vitale's eyes moved from Trevor's hand on my arm, to Trevor's face. His tone held something that was undeniable.

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