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28 : lets get the fucker!
song : crown - camila cabello & grey

"That was uncalled for," I grumbled, ripping off a piece of soft pretzel and shoving it into my mouth

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"That was uncalled for," I grumbled, ripping off a piece of soft pretzel and shoving it into my mouth.

Alanna smirked smugly, copying my actions as she chomped away on the food court pretzel we decided to split.

I had argued with her (after telling her the top looked bomb) all the way from Forever 21's check out line to the food court that we were currently sitting in as busy people bustled around us.

"It was entirely called for, Raya." She rolled her eyes dramatically. "If he wants to take out Gabriel, sure, fine. But if he thinks that you had anything to do with the incident, then I will tell that boy until I'm blue in the face that you didn't have a damn clue."

"But," I breathed, "I kinda did," the words fell out of my mouth at an octave that was barely audible, but the dumbfounded expression that graced her face told me she heard it.

"I'm sorry," she chuckled humorlessly, "Can you repeat yourself? I thought you said you did have a clue about Gabriel's plan, and that's just ludicrous," she placed her piece of half-bitten pretzel down on the paper wrapper between us.

My stomach twisted and turned as I looked my best friend in the eye, and tried form a coherent sentence that would make more sense than the blubbering I do when I'm nervous.

"The morning after you handcuffed me to Vitale, he dragged me to this building on the other side of town. Turns out, it was some mafia bullshit, and Gabriel was there. They were calling him Thomas. He acted like he didn't even know me, and chased me out of the house to apologize and he said you already knew, that it was a joint decision." I sighed, my shoulders sagging with the action as her budding anger quickly disintegrated into hurt.

"That lying sonofabitch," Alanna seethed, pounding her hand onto the table once. Her face was becoming increasingly pinker as her frustration rose. "He had come home that night, slept in my goddamn bed and acted like everything was fine," she spat, grounding her teeth.

The silence thickened between us, but the noise around us only seem to grow. So many different emotions ran through Alanna's green eyes and I was sure the only emotion in my own was pity and anger.

There was nothing more I wanted in this world currently than to give Gabriel Martin a piece of my goddamn mind.

"Do you think he was going to kill you?" She breathes, glancing down to her hands that are folded neatly on her lap. I gnaw the inside of my lip as I stare at her, trying to choose between the truth and protecting her.

"That night, as I looked down the barrel of his gun, that was the only thing I was sure about," I said softly, hoping that maybe while it would upset her, that it would also help her decide her next move from here.

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