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45 : what more could a girl ask for? – the end
song : love me now - john legend

45 : what more could a girl ask for? – the endsong : love me now - john legend

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"Kyle, shut up." I hissed as I stood in front of him, straightening his black bowtie.

"Don't tell me to shut up, you sh–,"

"Finish that sentence and I will strangle you with this bowtie." I threatened, giving him a pointed look as I glanced up to his face to find that he was already glaring at me.

Last night after our ice cream fight, Vitale and I successfully made our milkshakes and cleaned up before going to bed. To my complete and utter dismay, everyone decided that going to the dinner my mother invited us to tonight was a grand idea.

Everyone was dressed fairly casually, myself included since I was wearing a dusty pink peter pan collared dress which was pretty casual in my mothers standards.

Kyle, however, decided that he wanted to make a lasting impression on my mother so here he is, suit and bow tie.

I was overly anxious about my mother formerly meeting all my friends, especially Ian, the hoot that he is.

"You look like Mr. Bean when he gets all dressed up." Ian's voice chuckled from behind me as I stepped away from Kyle.

Speak of the devil.

"At least I don't look like an elbow." Kyle spoke, fidgeting with his bowtie even further, messing it up.

I rolled my eyes, giving up completely on the stupid thing.

"An elbow? Really? Is that the best you've got?" Ian asked, glancing down to his phone in his hand, a crease forming between his brows as his blue eyes glanced over the screen.

Ian had the three of us beat in the casual department in a pair of dark wash jeans and a black t-shirt, I was fairly sure he only agreed to come so he could see just how much he could mortify me in front of my mother.

"Where's Vitale?" Ian asked, sliding his phone into the front pocket of his jeans before readjusting his attention to me, where I stood next to Kyle's kitchen table.

"He was on the phone when I left, some type of business call he said he needed to take." I shrugged easily. "He should be down here soon, he said he wouldn't be too long."

Ian nodded, listening as I spoke while Kyle continued to mess with his bow tie.

The door to Kyle's bathroom swung open to reveal a grinning Alanna who was wearing a green dress, her red hair pinned back to frame her face.

"What do you think?" She asked the three of us, spinning around slowly to show off the dress that looked as if it was made for her specifically.

"You look jaw-dropping." I grinned.

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