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34 : until next time
song : naked - james arthur

Vitale did just as he promised and brought me all the way back to Alanna's

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Vitale did just as he promised and brought me all the way back to Alanna's. Kyle hung back to "Keep an eye on Ian," and I can't say that it wasn't mildly nerve wracking to be in the car all alone with Vitale.

Thankfully we didn't get into any spats, and mostly just talked about the music on the radio and what they planned to do about Tony.

Vitale wouldn't go into great detail about their possible plan, but I had a good gut feeling its going to end in Giovanni's execution with the fiery hatred Vitale has for him.

I pushed the thought out of my mind as often as possible, knowing that it won't do me any good to dwell on it. I can't stop him, and even if I could, I'm not convinced that I'd want to.

Whether that makes me a bad person or not, I'm not too sure.

Vitale made sure to go the extra mile to walk me all the way into Alanna's apartment and set me up on the couch with a cold water bottle, barf bucket and blanket.

I'm beginning to think he has a heart.

I couldn't help the guilt at the pit of my stomach as Vitale squatted in front of me while I was sat criss cross on the couch, a look on his face that told me he didn't want to leave me like this but he had to figure out the whole Tony thing and make sure Kyle and Ian weren't at each other's throats.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" He asked, concern still etched so deeply into his handsome features.

"Positive." I smiled weakly, my voice croaky.

He released a long, defeated sigh. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, sì?"

I nodded and the butterflies that soared through my stomach when he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead were merciless.

We bid our goodbyes and now here I am, two hours later, struggling to get my overpacked duffel bag onto my shoulder.

All the lights in Alanna's apartment were shut off except the living room light and I left a note on the counter with my phone next to it that read,

I'm sure you're worried to come back to an empty house and just know that I'm okay. I have something I need to find, and I need to do it alone. Talk soon.

Love you,

For awhile I debated on leaving a note for Vitale as I'm sure this will be the first place that makes him realize I'm gone but I decided against it.

I also decided to leave my phone, knowing that if there was one surefire way he was going to find me–it would definitely be my phone. I've seen the movies.

Immediately after I watched Vitale's departure from the behind the curtains of Alanna's apartment, I jumped online and ordered the only ticket I could find to Germany that left tonight. Although it was an economy flight, I couldn't care less.

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