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25 : an attachment
song : if i get high - nothing but thieves

It was now somewhere near four in the morning, and they had moved Vitale to a guest bedroom upstairs

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It was now somewhere near four in the morning, and they had moved Vitale to a guest bedroom upstairs. I had eventually made my way upstairs after I couldn't stand the thick silence in the room as Ian and Kyle tried to set each other on fire with their eyes.

Climbing the stairs, I cringed at the awful creaking sound that emitted from the weak floorboards. Following Watson's directions, I found myself standing in front of a worn out, brown door. There was nothing special about this particular door, asides from the fact that Vitale Bianchi was behind this specific door.

With a deep breath, I twisted the handle and opened the door, ambling into the small, cozy room and closing the door behind me. It was dark, the moon was the only source of light and it wasn't much since it was only a crescent moon tonight.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding, pressing my back against the door and debating on whether or not this was a good idea.

"Tigrotta?" Vitale's voice croaked through the darkness, his voice hoarse from his lack of speaking.

"Vitale?" I breathed out, relief flooding every sense I had. Without waiting another moment, I rushed over to where the bed was. I caught the slight glint of the moonlight reflecting off of the bedpost.

The sound of the bed creaking alarmed me as he adjusted himself on the bed. He let out a throaty groan as he leaned over, flicking on the bedside lamp.

The faint yellow light flooded into the room, and I was finally able to see Vitale. He was shirtless, with two squares of white bandages. One was placed on his right shoulder while the other was placed almost diagonally down a little further on his arm.

"Are you okay?" It was a stupid question, and as soon as it was out of my lips, I was wishing I could take it back. Of course he isn't okay, he was shot twice. "Actually, forget I said that."

His lips pulled up into a faint smirk as I sat on the side of the bed, hands in my lap. The ghost of an expression fell as quickly as it'd come though when he spotted the bloodied cloth tied around my arm.

"Bella," he mumbled, his voice still held a twinge of grogginess from sleep. He grabbed my wrist, laying my arm across his legs which were covered by the blanket he was under. "What happened?" The sleepiness quickly disappeared, he was trying to control his temper, it was clear as day. His jaw ticked like it always did when he was angry, and his nostrils flared as he tried to even his breathing.

"It's a long story," I breathed, gazing down at the sweats that covered my legs. Vitale's sweats.

"Lucky for you, I have all the time," he was dead serious. His green eyes were dark, anger washing over his features as he struggled for control with his emotions.

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