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30 : the end of the fucking earth
song : worst of you - maisie peters

Vitale has led us to his personal lounge shortly after our encounter in the foyer

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Vitale has led us to his personal lounge shortly after our encounter in the foyer. To say the lounge was ridiculously large would be an understatement. His lounge was three times the size of my already enormous bedroom back at home, and it was nothing short of jaw dropping.

There were two large couches placed strategically in the middle of the room, facing each other with a coffee table between that casually had a hand gun just happening to lay on it. The sight of it reminded me of the time I held Kyle's gun.

There were four poker tables on the left side of the room, all with ash trays placed among them; some were still partially filled with the ashes of whatever Vitale and his guests had smoked.

On the other side of the room there were four different arcade style games, and I was sure this was the side that Kyle spent most of his time. In fact, as I glanced to one of the screens, I noticed it had Kyle's name on the very top of the list of best scoring players.

We all took our seats, Alanna and I sitting on one couch as Vitale took a seat across from us on the opposing couch and Kyle plopped himself down on the floor to the side of the coffee table.

Vitale sat, his right arm rested across the back of the couch he occupied all by himself as he swirled a cup of scotch in his left hand. He had a look of concentration on his face as he stared at Alanna who had just explained the situation to him.

He'd yet to talk and to say its unnerving would be an understatement.

"So what exactly do you want from this?" He questioned, running his free hand down his jaw, propping his thumb under his chin as he scratched his facial hair.

"What do you mean?" She responded to his question with one of her own.

"I mean, do you want him dead or do you just want answers?"

"Dead?!" She shrieked, the look that passed her face was close to mortification. "I don't want him dead, you psychopath! I want to know why he lied to me and held a gun to my best friends head!"

"I want him dead." This time is was Kyle who spoke, who was currently sat on the floor between the two couches, lining up his Swedish fish on the table.

"It was just a suggestion," Vitale shrugged, completely disregarding Kyle's comment, leaning forward and placing his elbows onto his knees.

"A terrible suggestion," Alanna scoffed in response,

Vitale's dark eyes iced her over in one of his infamous glares.

"So what," he breathed, running a hand over his face in a tired manner, "do you want me to track him down and tie him up so you can get answers? I don't understand how exactly you plan for this to go."

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