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16 : tigrotta
song : to build a home - the cinematic orchestra

"Ooh, it's gettin' steamy in here!" A new and annoyingly familiar voice called from behind me, causing my face to flush immediately as I shoved Vitale away from me before hopping off of the desk

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"Ooh, it's gettin' steamy in here!" A new and annoyingly familiar voice called from behind me, causing my face to flush immediately as I shoved Vitale away from me before hopping off of the desk.

There Kyle stood at the doorway, a shit-eating grin spread proudly across his face. I bowed my head slightly, my dark hair moving to cover my blazing cheeks. I had an overwhelming desire to slap Kyle and Vitale simultaneously.

"What did I tell you about knocking, Kyle?" Vitale narrowed his eyes briefly at a very proud Kyle before going on as if nothing had just happened.

"Kyle, unless you want to see your boss ramming into some bimbo–" Kyle started to speak, using air quotations along with it before Vitale interrupted him.

"I most certainly did not say that, now get your head out of your ass and go find Ian," Vitale ordered, shuffling through the papers that sat on his desk, seemingly on a mad search for something in particular.

"But I don't waaant toooo," Kyle whined childishly, dropping his shoulders and slouching his posture like a small child not getting their way. "Ian is an ass-wipe," he grumbled more to himself but it was loud enough that I caught it.

"I don't care, now go find Ian before I cut your balls off–"

"I'm going, I'm going," Kyle said hurriedly, cutting Vitale off from any further threats.

Without as much as a glance my way, Kyle took off on his mad manhunt for this Ian guy.

Silence engulfed the room after Kyle stepped away. I wanted to scream at Vitale for what he'd done, how he'd made me feel, but for some reason my voice continued to stay caught up in my throat. The thought of him rubbing circles into my thighs, or the way that he large hands sprawled out perfectly across them as he looked at me so hungrily.

Dear god, someone help me.

"Why are you so quiet, Tesoro?" Vitale's voice brought me back from my invasive thoughts, my cheeks heating up immediately.

"No reason," I mumbled, tucking a strand of dark hair behind my ear, going to round the desk to sit back in the chair. "Can I use your phone since you decided to demolish mine?"

"For a perfectly valid reason, must I remind you," he grumbled in protest, grabbing the landline that sat on his desk and punching in a number before handing it to me.

Deciding to ignore his comment, I dialed Alanna's number and pressed the phone against my ear.

After listening to a few drawn out rings, my best friends voice finally filled my ears.


"Alanna, hey–"

"Who is this? Is this Raya?" She interrupted me, all the while she sounded as if she was chewing on something.

"Yeah, could you–"

"Where are you calling from? I didn't recognize the number," she interrupted me once more, as the obnoxious person that I love so much.

"That's not important, I'll tell you later. I was wondering if you could come pick me up? I'm at the Saint Gem hotel," I let out in one breath, hoping that she would come save me.

"Why are you so far away, girl?" She wondered, continuing to chew on whatever she happened to be snacking on.

"I'll tell you later," I reiterated with a little more emphasis in my voice, hoping that she would catch the memo.

"Okay, fine, fine," she huffed. "I'll be there in a bit," she said before hanging up abruptly.

"Who was that?" Vitale asked as he pushed his swivel chair into his desk, his dark eyes holding my own for a moment too long that made me fidget where I was stood.

"Just Alanna," I decided to answer truthfully instead of avoid the question all together. "Thanks, by the way, for helping me earlier or whatever," I mumbled the last half, my pride getting caught in my throat.

"Alanna? The crazy girl that handcuffed me?" He totally disregarded the last part of my sentence, which I was partially glad about.

"Yeah, that would be her," I nodded curtly, slowly moving towards the doorway.

"Where are you going?" He asked as my hand touched the door handle.

"Uh, to go get my things," I said, turning to face him fully. His dark hair was more disheveled than it usually is, his brooding eyes dancing over my face as they normally do when I'm unlucky enough to be in his presence. "Alanna is coming to get me."

"You should've told me, tesoro, I would've had someone bring you wherever you needed to go," he said, his voice holding an underlying tone of annoyance as he watched me closely, his eyes flitting over my hand on the doorknob.

"Thank you, really," I spoke, I could feel my heart slowly dying from being civil with the madman across the room from me, "but it's fine, Alanna is just going to come pick me up."

"Tell me next time, tigrotta," he said, his voice holding nothing but finality and certainty. I nearly scoffed but I valued my life enough to refrain from the action.

"Well, no offense, but hopefully there will be no next time," I quoted him, "I wish you well in all your endeavors, Mr. Bianchi, but I do not think we will be seeing each other after this if I'm going to be honest," my voice wobbled slightly, but I tried to hold my place as best I could while his blazing eyes analyzed me so closely from so far away.

"Think what you wish, Miss Knight," he said my name in an antagonizing manner, "but I wouldn't be so certain about that, I do owe you a phone after all," his lips twitched up into one of his famously delicious smirks. A smirk that told me he was proud of himself.

"Feel free to mail it to me, I'm sure you know the address," I said, finally pulling the door open as he made no move. Sighing slightly, I then turned on my heel and exited as dramatically as I could.


Dramatic as ever lol.

Question of the chapter: What is your favorite show right now? 

I just got done binging You and tbh I loved it all the way up until the ending

Until next time, home skillets!

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