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10 : key!
song : sweet creature - harry styles

10 : key!song : sweet creature - harry styles

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"Raya?" He asked, his face twisted into some emotion that I couldn't quite understand. I felt my heart drop to the pits of hell as he said this, my face immediately paling at the single word he spoke.

"Uh, what?" I mumbled, completely and totally flustered. I yanked on the cuff, heading for the backseat of the car we'd arrived in. "Raya? Who is that? That's a stupid name, what are you even talking about you idiot?"

Refusing to move, the cuff yanked me back to square one where Vitale stood as still as a statue. His green eyes danced over my face, as if studying my features. He looked about as annoyed as annoyed came.

"What's your last name?" He asked coolly, watching my every move very closely. I have the overwhelming urge to run for the hills in this very moment, but there was one small thing that was holding me back.

It rhymes with shmand shmuffs.

"Smith." I replied quickly. Maybe a little too quickly.

"Why did he call you Raya?" He investigated further into the matter, tugging on the cuff once so I was forced to step closer to him.

"I don't know! It's a nickname...forget about it, it's nothing important." I rolled my eyes dramatically, feigning irritation. Well, most of it was fake. Part of me really was annoyed that he wouldn't drop the topic no matter how hard I tried.

"What's up, party people?" A familiar voice called out, thankfully ending our discussion. I turned to see Kyle waltzing over to the car, a boyish grin spread across his handsome face. His handsome face that also had a red colored substance that resembled blood an awful lot, smeared near his cheekbone.

"This conversation is not over." Vitale breathed into my ear, sending shivers quite literally down my spine. He spoke in a voice that could make even men cry. I prayed to whatever god there was that these cuffs came off before he hand a chance to bring up the topic again, because I'm not sure I could think of a believable lie before then. Besides, I don't think my excuse this time was even believable.

"Kyle, what's that on your face?" I asked as Vitale opened the door allowing me to climb in before he followed suit.

"Ketchup." He deadpanned, "Just kidding, it's blood."

I went to slap him but Vitale tugged once on the cuff, sending me falling into the seat. I narrowed my eyes into slits, glaring at the devil himself. He only counteracted it with one of his own flares that were enough to send the person on the receiving end into flames.


I had been sitting next to this meathead for the past forty minutes as he went through business call after business call. Writing notes here and there, he had managed to ignore my complete existence as I lounged in the chair I'd dragged over for myself.

"Where's Kyle?" I huffed, slouching even further down into the chair. It was a comfy chair, I'll be honest. Maybe I can take it with me when I finally leave this godforsaken place. Maybe not, that sounds more difficult than I thought.

He had brought me back to the hotel with him, and dragged me back to the top floor. Why don't I get to do anything that I need to do? Why is this all about him?

Because all you need to do is find hot cheetos, my inner dialogue argued.

"He's tending to some matters, it's none of your concern." He said, distracted as he flipped through papers in a manila folder that sat wide open on top of his large desk.

"Say that sentence one more time, I will take your gun and shoot you in the damn foot."

"I would like to see you try, kitten."

"Fuck you."

Tugging hard on the cuff, he had me up on my feet and standing in front of him in the blink of an eye. He was surprisingly enough already on his feet. His free hand was gripping my chin, tilting my face up to meet his gaze.

"I swear to god," He breath danced over my increasingly warm face as he spoke, his emerald eyes perusing my face lazily from how close we were. "I will shoot you without a moments of hesitation, so I would watch what you say to me from here on out."

Slapping his hand away from my face that felt like it was on fire by this point, I look away from his unnerving gaze. "Don't tell me what to do, Vitale."

"You are in my home, it is only appropriate." He said, flicking my chin easily with his thumb, "Think about your actions before displaying them for the world to see, cara, it'll save you a world of trouble."

My phone on the desk began buzzing frantically against the hardwood, emitting an obnoxiously annoying noise into the silent room. Stepping away from Vitale's intimidating frame, my face still feeling as if it was hot enough to sizzle water on, I grabbed it from the surface, checking the contact.

My eyes widened immediately when I saw Alanna's ridiculous contact picture flashing across my screen. Pressing the green button, I pressed the phone against my ear almost instantly.

"Alanna!" I all but screeched through the phone.

"Raya, oh my god! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get so drunk last night, I can't believe I freaking handcuffed you to that piece of meat–oh my dear jesus, you are so lucky. Does he smell good? Did you guys sleep together? Ohhhh my god–"

"Alanna! Please, did you find the key?" I interrupted her, knowing full well that if I didn't, I would be standing here with a phone pressed to my ear for much longer than I would like to be.

"Oh, yes! Yes, I did! It was hooked to my bra, I literally searched all day for the fucking thing and then bam! I go to shower, and there it is!" She explains frantically, talking so fast that I'm not quite sure I'm understanding everything she's saying but I heard her say she found it and thats quite literally the only thing I care about in this moment.

"Good, good! Can we come get it?" I asked, eager to get this stupid cuff off of my wrist. I'm dying to be away from the madman that I'd been cuffed to for nearly twenty four hours. I'm dying to take a shower and release my bladder that hadn't been released in nearly a day. TMI, I know.

"Of course! I'll see you in a bit!" She said excitedly through the phone. We quickly exchanged goodbyes and I pocketed my phone before turning to a seemingly bored Vitale.

"She found the key!" I grinned.



Alas, the key has been found!

Question of the day: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I'd go to Florence, Italy :)

Until next time, home skillets!
banner by: @kaylakeifer

Until next time, home skillets!banner by: @kaylakeifer

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