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37 : don't be sorry
song : hurt somebody - noah kahan ft. julia michaels

"And what? What is your end goal here? Do you want to hear that daddy loves you so much and he's going to come home with you? Do you want to hear that he was taken against his will and he'd never leave his loving daughter to live her life without ...

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"And what? What is your end goal here? Do you want to hear that daddy loves you so much and he's going to come home with you? Do you want to hear that he was taken against his will and he'd never leave his loving daughter to live her life without him intentionally? Because trust me, princess, you're going to very disappointed."

Ian's voice rang through my mind as I stared at the man in front of me, the man I once considered possibly my best friend on the entire earth. The man that I have been so lost without, and have sacrificed my relationship with my mother for. The man my mother has flipped her entire life upside down to find.

Here he stands, in front of me and well.

His dark but graying hair is slicked back as it always was, his tired blue eyes widened with confusion and astonishment as he stares at his tied up daughter.

The air only seemed to grow thicker in the nearly empty room, the room I'd come to know as my own personal hell.

Giovanni made no move to speak up, but instead let the two people unfold in front of him all on their own.

Though I know that I had a million and one different things I wanted to say to the man in front of me, I made no move to say any of them. I couldn't rationalize the feelings that are coursing through my body at the moment. I'm angry, heartbroken, astonished, sad.

My father was the first to speak, but not directly to me.

"Why is she bleeding, Giovanni? What is she even doing here? You said you weren't going to get my family involved!" His tone turned from accusatory to seething, and my heart rate only picked up as I watched his passive expression turn into anger.

His forehead wrinkles only deepened, along with the lines around his mouth.

"You see, Richard, thats the issue. I didn't plan to lay a hand on her until she became valuable to Bianchi. Now that Bianchi–,"

"Why in the world are you involved with Vitale Bianchi? How did that even happen?" My father interrupted Giovanni, his tone led me to believe that he was scolding me at the moment.

My brows furrowed as I stared at the man in front of me, confusion washing over my features. "Please, for the love of god, tell me that you are not trying to lecture me right now. This is comedic gold. Father abandons family for two years, scolds daughter while she's tied to chair about her love life choices–,"

"Love life?!" He asks incredulously, his blue eyes wide with pure surprise. "I swear to god Raya, you better not be romantically involved with that scumbag. You won't have to worry about Giovanni going after him."

"You see dad," I began, tilting my head to look up at him, "thats just the issue, I don't have much of a choice since I am pregnant with his child." I sold it as best I could, faking a remorseful demeanor.

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