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13 : incessant bullsh*t
song : i don't love you - cruel youth

"He owns this hotel, don't you know this?" Kyle's eyebrows furrowed in a similar fashion, confusion now also lacing his features as well

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"He owns this hotel, don't you know this?" Kyle's eyebrows furrowed in a similar fashion, confusion now also lacing his features as well.

Before I had a chance to respond, or voice my utter shock, I was interrupted.

"Who is this?" Trevor stood over me, eyeing Kyle questioningly.

"This is Kyle, my–" I hesitated for a moment, assessing mentally what Kyle was to me, "friend," I said, unsurely. Trevor furrowed his brows in confusion as well, matching the expression of Kyle.

"Nice to meet you," Trevor responded wearily. "Raya, are you ready?" He turned to me, my heart felt like it was on a broken elevator on a one way trip to hell with how fast it dropped when he said my name.

Refusing to look at Kyle for his reaction, I just nodded. "See you around, Kyle," I said, pushing myself up off of the couch and still refusing to make eye contact with him.

His silence as we walked away confirmed my suspicions that he'd caught what Trevor had called me. I wanted to bang my head against the wall as we entered the elevator. Watching through the doors as they closed, I caught a second of Kyle's befuddled expression.

Finally, the doors closed after what felt like forever. The same silence that engulfed Vitale and myself weeks ago in this same elevator, engulfed Trevor and I now. He didn't make any move to ask me how I'd met Kyle, or even voice his opinion on him. Instead, we stood in a silence that nearly suffocated me.

When the ping sounded and the doors slid open, it was almost as if I couldn't get out of the moving contraption fast enough. Nearly tripping over the divot, I caught my balance before I had the opportunity to reacquaint myself with the floor.

Trevor led me silently down the hallway, finally stopping at the fourth door to the right. He slipped the key into the key reader, waiting for the buzz before pushing the door open to reveal a large hotel room.

There was one king sized bed that sat in the middle of the room, the backboard was a nice dark wood that matched the accented wall behind it of dark marble. The room felt open and welcoming, the chandelier hanging in the center of the ceiling was too beautifully intricate to put into words. There was a door that led to an ensuite, which was actually pretty enough to reside in for the remainder of my life.

Okay, weird. Maybe not.

"Do you like it?" Trevor's voice broke me out of my daze, my eyes finally finding his own as he sat on the bed. It was a simple and harmless question, but his voice held some kind of edge to it that didn't settle quite right with me.

Brushing it off, I nodded. "I love it." I responded, nearing the window to the far wall of the room, which nearly took up the whole wall, from ceiling to floor. From it, you could see the beautiful view of Knightville. It was indeed beautiful, but a nagging voice in my mind kept reminding me how much more breath-taking it was from Vitale's suite on the top floor.

After a moment of silence engulfed us for maybe too long as I stood, my hand on the window as I looked over the bustling life of the city below us, Trevor finally stood up and approached me where I stood.

"So how did you meet that guy? Kyle, was it?" He asked the question that I was fairly confident he'd been dying to ask me since we stepped out of earshot from Kyle. I tried going over scenarios in my head of how I met Kyle that was sans handcuffs and a man that screamed power and uncertainty.

"Uh," I hesitated, "well, Alanna and I went out to a little gathering a few weeks back and I met him there. I haven't seen him since, really, so it was odd to see him here tonight." I said, turning on my heel to face him completely. His brown eyes perused my face, as if the divots and details of my skin would answer his questions all on their own.

"Is that right?" He asked, seemingly more to himself than to me but I caught it anyway. He neared the window, taking a look out it as I had been doing only moments before. Without hesitation, he turned towards me with determination written all over his features, "Did you fuck him?"

It felt as if my eyes were near ready to fall straight out of my head at his accusation. "Excuse me?" I blinked, hoping I had heard him completely wrong.

Dear lord, give me the patience to deal with this man-child.

"I said," he repeated slowly, still eyeing me closely, "did you fuck him?" He enunciated the words slowly as if he was talking to a child. That, for some reason, made my blood boil under my skin. If I was a cartoon, the smoke would've been rolling out of my ears by now.

"Are you crazy?" I knitted my brows together, completely befuddled. "Like, are you actually insane?"

This only seemed to anger him more as he took one authoritative step towards me, his brown eyes blazing with raw annoyance and maybe even anger, "Well, you guys did seem pretty chummy for people who have only met once." He seethed, reaching our to grip my forearm. I took a step back and twisted out of the way before he had the chance to.

"It's called being polite. You know, the natural thing humans do when running into an acquaintance?" I offered, turning on my heel.

"It wouldn't surprise me if you had!" He seethed, completely ignoring my afore statement, "Patrick Wineland informed me of that little night you two had together at your mothers event last month."

I stood in my spot, completely frozen and dumbfounded at his statement. "You really believe Patrick Wineland of all people? I was only at my mothers event for maybe thirty minutes before I left, and all of that time was spent sitting at a table with my mother and her unbearable friends."

His expression didn't change much at my explanation. "Well–"

"No, you know what?" I asked, turning on my heel and grabbing my duffel bag from the bed, "I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear the incessant absolute bullshit that is streaming uncontrollably from your mouth right now. Don't bother to call me when you're done being a total douchebag," and with that, I turned on my heel completely and headed towards the door, ignoring his yelling behind me.

Grabbing the door handle, I twisted it and pulled it open, ready to dash out of the door and make my great escape only to find that I'd come face to face with someone I hadn't seen in nearly three weeks.

Of course, the one and only Vitale Bianchi.


Vitale Bianchi swoops to the rescue

Question of the day: YouTube or Netflix?

I'm more of a YouTube kinda gal

Until next time, home skillets!

banner by: @kaylakeifer

banner by: @kaylakeifer

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