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3 : "grace"
song : all the kids are depressed - jeremy zucker

3 : "grace"song : all the kids are depressed - jeremy zucker

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Vomit. Vomit is everywhere.

Let me rewind for you.

After the fight had ended, everyone from the warehouse filed into a mysterious door that none of us had any clue what it led to. Ethan was nowhere in sight and even though I would rather chew off my own toes than ask this Vitale man, he was also gone.

Gabriel, being the (occasionally) brave person that he is, decided it to be a good idea to check out what the door led to. Alanna and I sat back and watched, waiting for a clown to pop out or something.

But in fact, nothing popped out at us. When he swung open the door, we found that it was just a door to another large room much like the one we sat in now but the walls were painted red and multiple poker tables were placed throughout the room.

It was like a mini casino in here.

After ten minutes of being in the room, Alanna had disappeared and was nowhere to be found. Gabriel was one minute from ripping his hair out in frustration. In a room full of men who paid to watch people fight, you could understand the fright that passed through our bodies when we turned our back for fifteen seconds and my best friend was missing.

Thankfully for us though, ten minutes later we found Alanna sitting at the bar accompanied by a tall drink of whatever the heck she had decided to order. Judging by her ditzy state, it was not her first drink.

So here we are, Alanna and myself, sitting in the dodgy bathroom as she was sat on her knees over the toilet. I, above her, held her hair back from her face so it wouldn't risk the chance of dropping in the toilet water and becoming covered in her vomit, much like everything else in this bathroom. She had somehow managed to get vomit all over the sink and mirror as well as the floor before successfully finding the toilet.

Shes a sloppy drunk, but who isn't.

"Raya," she grumbled, her voice nearly incomprehensible as she said my name, "I love you sooo much, do you know that?" She pondered, her words slurring lazily as they nearly mashed together. "You know who is so sexy? Vitale, you should smash that, Ray! I'm deeefinitely in a committed relationship, so like, I can't but you totally can!" her words were like diarrhea of the mouth, all slurring over one another.

"I love you too, Alanna, now let's get you home." I breathed, attempting to pull her up from the toilet that was covered in her vomit as I completely ignored her last statement. She had been gushing over how cute she thought Vitale was all night, so this was not much of a surprise.

"Home?" She slurred in a way that clearly pondered the audacity that I had, "Absolutely not! Shots!" and with those few words she was attempting to stumble back up onto her feet and dash out of the bathroom, except it was nowheres near as graceful as that.

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