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6 : drool.
song : shut your mouth - jeremy zucker

I woke up the next morning with a stiff neck and perhaps dried drool on my chin, but that's beside the point

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I woke up the next morning with a stiff neck and perhaps dried drool on my chin, but that's beside the point. The point was that I had not willingly woken up on my own, but instead was being repeatedly poked in the cheek.

Groaning and pushing the hand away only helped for so long. When I finally decided to open my eyes and give Vitale a piece of my sleep-deprived mind, the anger that had been viciously bubbling in my chest quickly dissolved when I found big blue eyes staring back at me.

Screeching, I sprouted up from my uncomfortable position. I felt my heart slow considerably when I realized that it was the man from last night that brought Giovanni in. I placed a hand over my heart, taking slow and deep breaths.

I was just nearly calmed down completely when I noticed that we were most definitely in a car. A limo, at that, but a car nonetheless.

Vitale, to my right, was scrolling briefly through his phone. His jaw was set and his dark eyes seemed as if they were about to blow up anything that was unfortunately in their path, a look I had come to understand was seemingly normal.

"Your phone has been going off for the past half an hour and Vitale will neither let me answer it nor shoot it, so it would be greatly appreciated if you would answer it." The blue eyed man brought me back to present, beaming at me as he informed me of the vile things he nearly did to my phone.

Going to reach towards my phone with my right hand, I was quickly drawn, or rather ruthlessly yanked, back to reality when my arm only went so far before stopping at a dead halt as cold metal dug into my wrist.


"Other arm, sunshine." Vitale's bored voice came from beside me, causing my face to flush immediately.

"I know." I scoffed under my breath, definitely not knowing. I reached up with my left hand and angrily snatched the phone away from...Kyle? I think that's what Vitale called him.

My eyes widened to the size of golfballs as I noticed the contact popping up on my phone.

My mother.

My eyes widened even further, nearly popping out of my head when I realized the time. It was 9 in the morning. I was supposed to be home nine hours ago. I'm as good as dead. Vitale mind as well have put that bullet in my head that he had threatened last night because I'm sure my mother will be doing that exactly when I finally make it back home.

Okay, so maybe thats a little dramatic. She would probably instead find a way to make my life more of a living hell than just killing me.

Staring at my phone, I tried to figure out what my best option is. Option number one entails picking up the phone and trying to explain this ungodly situation to her and make her even angrier that I had been at a fight in the first place. Option number two was shutting off my phone and coming up with some story before I made my way back home.

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