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26 : scarlett
song : send me on my way - rusted root

When I woke up, it wasn't because my body decided it had enough sleep, oh no

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When I woke up, it wasn't because my body decided it had enough sleep, oh no. It wasn't because the birds were chirping too loudly outside my window, or even that the blankets that enveloped me were much too warm for my liking.

No, I was instead abruptly woken up by the earth-shattering yelling that was happening downstairs. As someone who is an only child and was only ever around my father's business friends, I don't think I can even comprehend how much time it would take to adjust living with boys.

Throwing the covers off of me, I groaned loudly as if they would hear my annoyance and settle it down.

Wishful thinking.

I quickly slipped on the sweatpants I'd taken off last night, learning from my mistakes of running into a kitchen full of men in only a flimsy t-shirt. I tied my hair back into a ponytail as I descended down the creaky stairs, the yelling it released under my weight couldn't even be heard over the boy's yelling.

I finally made it to the front door where Vitale was fully dressed in a dark blue t-shirt and dark wash jeans. It's the most casual I've ever seen him, and I'm fairly confident that they aren't even his own clothes.

After ogling Vitale for much longer than needed, I finally realized what was going on in front of me. Vitale had the door swung open, and he was trying to exit as Kyle has ahold of his good arm, trying to yank him back as if he was some type of tug-of-war toy.

"You can't just leave, Vitale! What are you going to do if you find him, huh? Are you going to shoot him with your left arm? You mind as well just go out and shoot yourself in the fucking foot for the same outcome!" Kyle was spouting off at the mouth, his cheeks an adorable shade of pink in obvious frustration.

"I will kill that fucker with my bare hands if I have to, now let go of me! I am not going to sit around and argue with you for an hour Kyle, I want to take him out and if I have to do that on my own and injured, I will. Do you doubt that?" He seethed, venom dripping from his tone as he loomed over Kyle's frame in an intimidating stance.

Kyle caught a glance of me as I stood on the last step of the stairs, and whipped his gaze over to me. I felt my eyes widen in shock. I wasn't exactly hiding from them, but I also wasn't trying to make myself known.

"He's being an idiot, Raya," Kyle sighed in heavy annoyance. "Tell him he's being an idiot. He is being an idiot, right?" He was talking in circles as Vitale's gaze finally flitted over to my frame.

I crossed my arms over my chest, letting out a deep sigh as his hazel eyes perused my figure.

"So, let me get this right," I leaned against the post of the handrail, "you're trying to go take out Giovanni by yourself while you're sporting two bullet holes from said man?" I inquired, my eyebrows pulling up in a questioning glance.

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