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5 : "vermin of a friend"
song : outrunning karma - alec benjamin

After staring at his living quarters in amazement for maybe a few moments too long for a girl who was raised in a home that was basically a castle, I was being pulled in a direction he was deciding to lead me to

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After staring at his living quarters in amazement for maybe a few moments too long for a girl who was raised in a home that was basically a castle, I was being pulled in a direction he was deciding to lead me to.

I grumbled a few choice words under my breath, irritated that he still hadn't figured out that the polite thing to do would be to warn me before attempting to violently rip my hand off of my poor unsuspecting arm.

"Would it hurt you be at least a little more gentle?" I grunted, shooting daggers into his back with my eyes. Or at least attempting to.

"It would," was his infuriating response.

I rolled my eyes before finding that he was dragging me down a hallway. I hated that every single move I made seemed to be contingent on Vitale and what he wanted to do. I had no choice in the matter, at least thats how it seemed since I had been cuffed to this jerk.

Thanks, Alanna.

Since I was stuck behind him as he dragged me down a well lit hallway that was also decorated with multiple paintings, I decided to take this moment to observe him as best as I could.

From the back, you couldn't see his the hardened features on his gorgeous face. I wondered if he was always this agitated and angry at the world or if it was only when he happened to be handcuffed to a stranger, because y'know, that's quite the common thing.

I noticed that at the base of his hairline on the back of his neck, he had a scar that was probably two inches in length. I wondered idly what had happened, but I brushed the curiosity away as quickly as it came when I noticed he'd pulled us into a large room that seemed to be an office.

I was nearly in as much awe of this room as I was in about the living area. The far wall was completely glass, floor to ceiling. It overlooked the entirety of Knightsville.

I never understood the purpose of naming a town after the royal family when we lived in a completely different town, but they had done it much before my time.

"Are you going to stare forever, or are you going to let me go work?" Vitale's voice broke me out of my trance.

My attitude was on standby, ready to scoff something like, "You didn't seem to need my permission any other time that you attempted to rip my hand clean off my arm," but I refrained and followed behind him with a closed mouth, any snide remark merely just a thought.

When he sat down in his large black chair, leaving me to stand awkwardly, I tapped him on the shoulder. He slowly directed his eyes from the paper that sat in front of him up to me, his expression telling me very clearly that he did not like being bothered while working.

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