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39 : let it go
song : fire - timeflies

"Ian, I swear to god himself that if you don't stop throwing gummy bears at me I'm going to shove them so far down your throat that they'll come straight out of your a–,"

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"Ian, I swear to god himself that if you don't stop throwing gummy bears at me I'm going to shove them so far down your throat that they'll come straight out of your a–,"

"Ah, ah, ah," Ian interrupted me, wagging his finger playfully on the couch across from me, "not around the children, darling." He winked, nudging his head in the direction of a glaring Kyle.

I've been in Kyle and Ian's room for the past two hours, Vitale didn't try to follow me or even call or text which I can't say I'm too disappointed about.

I know he's still angry at me about the whole Germany thing, and while I can't blame him, I also can't just make that anger go away.

When I arrived I was surprised to find Ian since I was only expecting Kyle but apparently the hotel was booked so Ian had no other choice. I don't think either of them really mind though.

They're less like mortal enemies and more like an old married couple these days.

"Will you and Bianchi get over your lovers quarrel? You're cramping my vibe." Ian complains as he tosses a gummy into the air, moving quickly to catch it with it mouth before flashing me a grin and chewing it.

I roll my eyes, leaning over the coffee table and snatching the bag from his lap.

"Ian, the master of love," Kyle commented absentmindedly from the island where he sat, scrolling through his phone.

Kyle downloaded a dating app at the recommendation of Ian while we were on the plane, something I thought was merely a joke.

Ian nodded, a triumphant smirk on his face.

"You hear that, Ray? I am the master of love."

"I'm not certain about much in life but I'm fairly certain he was being facetious." I shrugged, popping a blue gummy bear in my mouth.

Kyle nodded vaguely from the counter and I motioned towards him as I stared at Ian with a told-ya-so expression.

Ian rolls his eyes, leaning forward and snatching the bag of gummies back from me with a glare.

"I'm fairly certain that you and Vitale need to kiss and make up so I don't have to be your therapist."

I snorted loudly. "Good one, as if anyone would ever give you a license to help people with their life."

Ian feigned hurt, his mouth agape as he pressed a hand over his heart.

"You'd be surprised, darling."

I rolled my eyes at him, pushing myself up off of the couch and strolling towards the kitchen to find food.

"Find any cute girls?" I asked as I passed behind Kyle, poking his cheek.

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