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17 : do you know what fun is?
song : without me - halsey

"When does Gabriel get back?" I pondered aloud, pushing myself onto my tip-toes to reach Alanna's breakfast cabinet in hopes of finding strawberry pop tarts

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"When does Gabriel get back?" I pondered aloud, pushing myself onto my tip-toes to reach Alanna's breakfast cabinet in hopes of finding strawberry pop tarts. I groaned loudly, grabbing Alanna's attention as I hoisted myself up onto the counter since my height was pitiful in comparison to how high her cabinets are.

"In a few days," Alanna shrugged easily from her spot on the couch, her blue eyes watching me questioningly. "You know I have a step stool, right?"

"I do indeed know this, but that thing is older than me and I do not trust it," I said, swinging open the door to the cabinet and gasping in excitement when I noticed the strawberry pop tart box. The feeling soon came to a crashing halt when I realized how light it was. "Why would you have an empty pop tart box?" I whined like a child, slipping off of the counter and tossing the empty box into the trashcan.

"Gabriel," she quickly pointed the blame, pushing herself up off of the couch. "So, have you heard from Mister Dreamy Italian recently?" She asked, wiggling her brows suggestively as she did an awkward little dance.

I narrowed my eyes at her, hoping that laser beams would shoot out at any second. To my disappointment, they didn't and I was faced with her infuriating question. It had been only two days since I left Vitale standing in his office with the remnants of my phone scattered across the pavement below his hotel.

Within those two days, I had yet to return home or even attempt to explain what had happened to my mother. I was not ready to even try to explain the situation, or the fact that Trevor had accused me of cheating on him. Though I couldn't stand my mother half the time, I also know that crushing her shining impression of Trevor would be no easy feat.

"Of course not, I literally don't even have a phone," I ground my jaw at the thought, grabbing a piece of popcorn from the bowl sitting on the counter and plopping it into my mouth.

"But if you did?" She grinned mischievously.

"But if I did, he wouldn't contact me because I would have his number blocked," I seethed, my anger that I held for him in my chest only boiling back to life as I spoke of him.

"I find that hard to believe," she grinned, walking towards the hallway. "Anyway, we should do something tonight, get your mind off of that hot piece of–"

"Do not finish that sentence," I grumbled in annoyance.


"No, absolutely not," I shook my head, folding the little black dress that could probably be worn as a shirt, and tossing it back onto Alanna's bed.

"Listen, you need to move on from Dick-Wad-Trevor, and this dress will do just that," she wiggled her eyebrows, grabbing the dress from the bed and shaking it in front of me.

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