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44 : famous last words
song : she's so mean - matchbox twenty

After about another fifteen minutes we finally bid our goodbyes to everyone including my mother who I briefly introduced to Vitale before taking off

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After about another fifteen minutes we finally bid our goodbyes to everyone including my mother who I briefly introduced to Vitale before taking off.

My mother was seemingly disappointed but I told her how exhausted I was. She didn't press the fact that I was leaving with Vitale, and for that I was eternally grateful though I'll surely hear more about it when I return back home.

She did, however, extend an invitation to him and my other friends for a family dinner we apparently were spontaneously having tomorrow night.

The ride back to the hotel was mostly silent other than the sound of the radio and the hum of the car. I was mostly too exhausted to hold a conversation and Vitale seemed to be deep in his own thoughts as per usual.

When we pulled up and he opened my door, handing his keys off to the valet, I was nearly asleep but woke up immediately considering I'd been leaning against the door.

He held my hand, tugging me through the lobby and into the elevator. As the doors slipped close, I rested my head against his arm and watched as the numbers grew higher and higher as we passed each floor.

Within a matter of moments we were at Vitale's floor, and I have never been so relieved to see his home.

"Do you want anything to eat before you go to bed?" He questioned, pulling his tie off and tossing it onto the couch along with his jacket.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'd like that." I yawned as Vitale approached me, jutting his bottom lip out playfully.

"So sleepy, mia cara." He joked, cupping my face with his hands and tilting it up.

I looked into his green eyes, a playful gleam in them for once.

He leaned down, pressing his lips quickly against my own. I smiled into the kiss, for once feeling like it was such a normal moment.

"I was thinking chocolate milkshakes?" He broke the swift kiss, a grin teasing his pink lips as he brushed a few stray strands of hair away from my face.

I chuckled at his proposal, reminding me of the night I was on a hunt to make anything at all and instead had to settle for bagels that actually weren't the worst in the end.

"You got the stuff to make chocolate milkshakes?" I beamed up to him like a kid in the candy store, excitement dancing through my body and suddenly I wasn't so tired now that milkshakes were involved.

"Just for you." He grinned, pecking my lips quickly with his own. "Go get changed, I'll be in the kitchen."

I nodded eagerly, turning on my heel and quickly making my way into his bedroom where I quickly slipped my heels off and grabbed a plain t-shirt from his dresser. Shimmying out of the dress I loved so much, I placed it over his bed and slipped into the cozy cotton.

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