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24 : desolate
song : superman - five for fighting

I was sat beside Kyle, in the passenger seat, a random cloth tied around my arm that Kyle had found in the glovebox

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I was sat beside Kyle, in the passenger seat, a random cloth tied around my arm that Kyle had found in the glovebox. He attempted to tie it around my arm as he drove, all while giving me a speech about how stupid I am.

We were so far out of town that it wasn't even funny. Whatever town we were currently driving through defined the word desolate. Like, if you were to go into the dictionary and search the world desolate, it should just be a picture of this town.

The car was silent, not that I was complaining. It gave me time to mull over the events that had happened. It felt like a crash from a high, my body felt droopy and confused. I just want to wake up, and this to all be over. I want wake up and get ready for that stupid event my mother was hosting, and instead of running off with Alanna, just stay and listen to her passive aggressive conversations.

Kyle's hands were white on the steering wheel, and I was convinced they didn't go through this too often. Vitale is supposed to be an untouchable man, but here he is, laying in the backseat with two bullet wounds. It's stressful for me, I can't imagine how stressful it is for Kyle, the man who is supposed to protect Vitale's life with his own.

"Its not your fault, Kyle," I mumbled, glancing down as I messed with the loose string on the hemline of Vitale's shirt that I was still wearing. The scent engulfing me was the only thing keeping me from not breaking down. "In fact, if it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have taken his gun, I just thought that maybe I could beat Giovanni at his own game, which I know now was a terrible idea," I shook my head, trying to even my breaths as tears pricked at the corners of my eyes.

Kyle was silent for a long moment, and I didn't dare to look over at him. I was so terrified that he was mad at me, and I couldn't handle Kyle of all people being angry with me. He's been the happy go lucky guy this whole time, the comedic relief from the reality at hand, and I can't bare to know that has been taken and turned on me.

"You took his gun?" He asked, his voice clear with astonishment as he continued driving down the empty road. "You have a real knack for taking people guns, don't you, cupcake?" I glanced up to find a weak smile on Kyle's lips. It soothed my racing heart for a moment.

I chuckled along with him. "I suppose I do, don't I?" I shook my head, leaning back against the seat. This car sounded like it was going to break down any moment, and I'm convinced it was manufactured in the twenties. "Is he going to be okay?" I dared to ask even though I was terrified of the answer I was going to receive.

Kyle's jaw tightened, making my stomach plummet as he kept his blue eyes locked on the road in front of him. "We have this friend in Haywitch that usually doctors us up in these situations, I'm sure he'll be able to work his magic. Vitale will probably have some nasty scars for the rest of his life, but thats a small price to pay."

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