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11 : "food poisoning."
song : bored - billie eilish

"song : bored - billie eilish

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"I'm so sorry!" Were the first words to met my ears as soon as Alanna's door flung open, she quickly wrapped me up in a bone crushing hug as well as she could since I was attached to another person. "I promise I won't drink again...well, maybe not that much. Maybe, I just wont drink around you–"

"I hate to interrupt your rant about your alcoholism, Miss Jones, but I have places I need to be sans handcuffs. The key?" Vitale interrupted Alanna's ranting, something that I was sure wouldn't go over well with Alanna's feisty attitude that appeared when provoked.

"You, Mister Bianca, Bianchi, Bi-whatever your freaking name is, do not tell me what to do when you are in my house," She shoved one hard finger into his chest to emphasize her point, "I will get the stupid key when I wanna! How do you like them apples, huh?"

"Alanna, please? The key?" I interrupted her attack on the ever so emotionless Vitale, ready to ease the biting pain on my wrist.

"Of course." She grinned, turning on her heel as we followed her inside. She grabbed the shiny key from the coffee table that sat between her couch and her little TV that was lucky if it caught signal for even two full episodes of any show.

"Where did you even get cuffs?" I pondered as she fiddled with the key but to no avail could get it undone. Vitale quickly snatched it from her hand, earning a hard glare from her.

"I don't quite remember, but I think I may have found them on a table near that Ethan guy. I could be wrong though." She shrugged measly, trying to recount the events of the night before.

With one click that sounded more to me like the gates of heaven opening, my cuff was finally unlocked and I could pull my hand free. With a sigh of relief, I pulled my arm to my chest, rubbing where the cuff had rubbed my wrist nearly raw. I had quite a prominent red irritated ring encircling my wrist.

Vitale finally freed himself as well, handing the cuffs and key back to Alanna. As if thats a good idea. Give the cuffs back to the girl who started this mess.

"I'll be on my way, goodnight ladies." Vitale said, weirdly polite for the first time in the past 24 hours of knowing him. I nodded, waving awkwardly from my spot in the living room. Alanna just plopped down onto the couch, switching the TV on, not bothering to bid her goodbyes.

When the door slammed shut behind him, I finally let out the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. My shoulders sagged with relief. I rounded the coffee table, plopping down onto the couch next to Alanna.

"He is so sexy, but he also makes me want to punch him in his face." Alanna mumbled, digging her hand into the bowl of popcorn she had next to her.

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