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2 : hot cuppa tea
song : bad time - sabrina carpenter

I hadn't expected so many people to be huddled inside when we'd pulled up to the warehouse but alas I'm proven wrong

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I hadn't expected so many people to be huddled inside when we'd pulled up to the warehouse but alas I'm proven wrong. There's so many people crammed into this room that we can barely see the fighting ring from where we're stood in the back.

Well, Gabriel might be able to but at my 5'4 stature the most I can see is the backs of the well polished men in front of me.

Gabriel is currently tapping away on his newest iPhone, nearly oblivious to the whole commotion going on around us.

He has a knack for breaking phones, I swear it's like a curse. This is his sixth iPhone this year and it's only August.

I watched as people exchanged money and handshakes, even some glares here and there.

I have been with Alanna to exactly one fight. She had convinced me to go with her to watch Gabriel fight when she had first had a crush on him.

After half an hour spent begging me and blackmailing me with all the times I'd said, "I owe you one!" for bailing me out of my mothers unbearable events, she finally successfully pulled me along to the fight where she eventually mustered up the guts to introduce herself to her now boyfriend.

Even though that was only a year ago, it seemed like eons ago was when I stood near the fighting ring, watching Alanna make googly eyes at a sweaty and bloody Gabriel from behind the barriers.

Gabriel has quickly gone from being a fighter to orchestrating the fights which he doesn't miss a chance to tell you brings in much more revenue.

Looking around the crowded room, I nearly felt overwhelmed at how nicely dressed these people were for what a reckless thing they were partaking in.

While it was slightly confusing, I was at least thankful that I didn't have people circling me as they cooed my name to ask how I'd been when they and I both knew that they truly did not care one bit.

As I watched these people not even bat an eye at me, I was thankful for my mother's choices. If there is anytime that you want someone to know who you are, it is not in a warehouse where brutal and very illegal fights take place.

"Ethan!" Gabriel's voice pulled me out of my millionth daze of the night. I realized that he had finally put his phone away and was now shaking hands with a taller, more muscular man.

He had dark hair that was disheveled in the most handsome way possible, part of his face covered with short facial hair. He was dressed more casually than all the other men in here, sporting a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark blue button up, he was maybe even ranked at most informally dressed right there next to me of course. I, in a pair of Alanna's pajamas, felt overwhelmingly underdressed for once in my life.

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