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7 : cocaine.
song : paris in the rain - lauv

"No," I shook my head violently as we continued through some building they had dragged me into, and in case you're wondering they'd yet to un-blindfold me, "Absolutely not, Kyle! Sour patch kids are not better than Swedish fish

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"No," I shook my head violently as we continued through some building they had dragged me into, and in case you're wondering they'd yet to un-blindfold me, "Absolutely not, Kyle! Sour patch kids are not better than Swedish fish. What lives in that tiny brain of yours, huh? Air? Is it just empty air up there?" I asked, flailing my arm out in the direction of his voice in hopes to knock his head.

"Grace, do you do cocaine?" Kyle pondered to the left of me as he swatted my arm away from him.

"I do, do you have any?" I asked curiously.

As he coughed for a few moments too long, I nearly smirked when I realized I'd caught him off guard. Good. That's what you get for thinking that sour patch kids are better than Swedish fish.

"Would the two of you shut up before I shoot you both right here?" Vitale's ice cold voice came from ahead of me as he tugged me behind him. I rolled my eyes under the blindfold, slightly glad that he couldn't see it but a small, evil part of me wished he did because I had an inkling of an assumption that it would annoy him.

"Speaking of here, where is here?" I asked, tugging on the handcuff idly as I asked. I, for some reason, had an urge bubbling in my chest to bother Vitale. Maybe it was the side effect that comes along with being handcuffed to a moody grown man for longer than ten hours, who knows.

"None of your business, Grace." I shuddered as he mumbled the fake name he'd heard Giovanni call me last night. Whenever I gave anyone the name, I never had to deal with that person longer than an hour. But here we are, going on hour number eleven of pretending to be someone named Grace.

"Would you stop telling me that none of this is my business? I don't know if you've realized this, but we are literally handcuffed to each other. Your business is my business, my business is your business, Kyle's business is-"

"Kyle's business," Kyle interrupted my rant.

"-my business. Don't you get it, asswipe? This. Is. My. Business." I yanked hard on the cuff as I said the last few words for dramatic effect.

"Do you even breathe? Like ever?" Kyle pondered from beside me as Vitale halted suddenly, small beeping noises met my ears which was closely followed by the sound of a door creaking open.

"On Fridays."

"Both of you shut up for five seconds." Vitale gritted, tugging me behind him. I felt fingers graze my cheek and suddenly I could see again. I looked at Vitale to find him tossing the ridiculously pink and fluffy blindfold onto the wooden coffee table in the middle of the room.

I look around finally, taking in my surroundings. My jaw nearly hit the floor in complete and utter awe of what surrounded me. Computers lined the wall, small, big, medium. Every size that a computer came in, it was hanging on this wall. Some computers showed footage of security cameras while others showed pictures of random men with targets on their heads.

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