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9 : "raya."
song : F.F.F. - bebe rexha ft. g-eazy

"Gabriel?" I uttered softly, completely and utterly dumbfounded at this point

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"Gabriel?" I uttered softly, completely and utterly dumbfounded at this point.

What the hell is he doing here? Sure, I'm not completely positive about my suspicions being accurate but from the way that Kyle talked about this part of the town during the car ride here, it alluded to the fact that this part of town was nothing to be messed with.

Guns, drugs, sex and money seemed to be everything this environment screamed from what I'd heard from my new trusty friend.

It seemed as if it went far beyond illegal fights, and more so gang-related. Though he never fully spelled it out for me, he definitely hinted towards it here and there when he went on his tangent about how he hated visiting over here. It gave him, and I quote, the heebie-jeebies.

Gabriel's blue eyes widened considerably when they fell upon my frame. He stood, completely silent for a moment too long before recomposing himself and walking further into the room, completely ignoring me after throwing me an odd look.

I will slap this boy silly, I swear to Jesus.

"Boss, I went ahead and took care of the business we discussed earlier this morning. Things should sail smoothly from here on out." Gabriel informed the ever so mysterious man, plopping down on the leather chair in the corner of the room.

"Thank you, Thomas." He nodded at Gabriel. My eyes nearly fell straight out of my head when he called him Thomas.

I am so confused. More confused than I was when Bernard brought home a baby llama last year.

Long story...

"No problem, sir." He said, his eyes drawing back over to where I stood. I furrowed my brows at him, trying to work some telepathic communication or something but it didn't work and he just looked away.

"I have other things I need to tend to, here is the document, as you wished. My signature is there, enjoy." Vitale broke the silence that seemed thick enough that even an ice pick couldn't break it for a moment.

Vitale stepped closer, myself not making any move to step with him. He took note of this, tugging me rather harshly until I had no choice but to either step forward or fall flat on my face.

Since my mother would throw the fit of a century if I came home sporting a broken nose, I shuffled behind him begrudgingly.

He slid the paper onto the large brown desk, nodding respectively before turning us around in the other direction and heading for the doors.

"Come visit again, Vitale. It is always a pleasure to have you." The man called out from behind us. Vitale made no move to stop or even reply, but I took close notice of the muscles in his back contracting under the suit. "Feel free to bring the girl, as well."

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