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23 : sought after
song : not about angels - birdy

Just kidding, we weren't staring down the barrel of a gun

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Just kidding, we weren't staring down the barrel of a gun.

We were staring down the barrel of three guns.

Standing front and center was none other than Giovanni himself. A shit eating grin was spread across his face, and I had the overwhelming urge to slap it straight off.

His gaze was daunting and testing me to take one more step, and I almost did. I almost lunged at him and pistol-whipped him with his own goddamn gun—at least, that's what I like to think would've happened, but something else caught my attention.

Standing behind Giovanni were two other men, also sporting black hand guns. One had a ski mask pulled up to his forehead, exposing his face as he let out heavy puffs of air. My gaze danced over to the man beside him. He had his ski mask pulled down, effectively covering every feature aside his eyes. But I know those eyes, I would know those blue eyes anywhere.

Gabriel Martin had his arms raised, gripping a gun with his sturdy hands. The gun was pointed at me. If he pulled that trigger, my brains would be the new decoration of this boring, gray elevator.

I felt my heart go from being lodged in my throat to dropping rapidly to my toes. Betrayal doesn't even begin to describe the feeling that took over my body as I stared into the eyes of my best friend's boyfriend.

The phone call from earlier played over in my head like a record. The pain in his voice, the worry in his tone. I begun to wonder who Gabriel Martin even is and if he's even the man standing in front of me.

My mind floated back to the night I was handcuffed to Vitale, and he dragged me along to that stupid house. That stupid house where I ran into Gabriel, who assured me it was no big deal.

I know I should've pressed him more, made him tell me what in the world was going on. Alanna's green eyes flashed through my mind, and I prayed to everything good in this world that she was okay and safe.

"Seems like we have ourselves a little predicament, no?" Giovanni's accent twisted around his words as they slipped from between his lips. I wondered for a moment how much it would hurt him if I crammed his gun down his throat. "Why don't we step out of the elevator, and what is it you North Castlers call it? Chat?"

I felt Vitale's grip on my hand tighten as he slowly stepped out of the elevator, making sure I was a step behind him. He rubbed his thumb over my hand, but I could barely focus on it as I stared at the three guns pointed at our heads.

"What do you want?" Vitale spat, detest dripping from his tone as he iced Giovanni over with a cold glare. "What is this? Some sort of revenge plot, are you still butt-hurt that I shot one of your men?" Even though Vitale and I were out numbered, since I really only counted as a half here, he still had the ever loving nerve to aggravate the man with a gun pointed at us.

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